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This repository is for agent operators to deploy the Autonomous Keeper Agent on AWS


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Open Operator
Autonomous Keeper Service
License: Apache-2.0 Cloud: AWS Deployment: Docker Compose Framework: Open Autonomy 0.10.4

This repository contains tooling to deploy autonomous service agent(s) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Terraform. The repository is designed to facilitate the deployment process by using GitHub actions. You can also clone the repository locally on your machine and execute the deployment commands manually.

After the deployment process finishes, the agent will be running in a screen session within an AWS EC2 instance in the default AWS Region us-east-2.1

This repository contains default configuration parameters in the ./config/service_vars.env file that you will need to override with the information you will have been provided by the service owner.


  1. Set up your AWS account. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and configure the following parameters.

    1. In case you don't have one, you need to create an IAM user with an access key. Within the AWS Management Console, create a new user (IAM/Users), and create an access key for that user (Security credentials/Access keys). The IAM user needs have the permissions AmazonEC2FullAccess and AmazonS3FullAccess. Note down the AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key.

    2. You also need to create an S3 bucket to store the Terraform state for the service.2 Create the bucket in region us-east-2. You must follow the AWS guidelines for naming your bucket. Note down the bucket name.

  2. Prepare an SSH key pair.3 This key pair will be used to access the deployed AWS EC2 instance where the service will be running.

    You can generate the key pair with the following command. Do not enter a passphrase if prompted to do so:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -N "" -f id_rsa

    Store securely both the public and private key.

  3. Prepare the service repository data.

    • Ensure that the GitHub repository of the service is publicly accessible. If it is a private repository, your GitHub user has to be authorized to access it, and you need to create a GitHub personal access token with repo permissions enabled.

Deploy the service using GitHub actions

The repository is prepared to deploy the service using GitHub actions. This is the easiest way to deploy your service.

  1. Fork this repository.

  2. Configure cloud credentials and service parameters. First, define the following secrets and variables in the forked repository. We recommend defining them through the GitHub's website UI:

    Please make sure to avoid any leading or trailing white spaces or newlines when defining secrets and variables.

    Name Type Description


    Secret AWS Access Key ID (20-character alphanumeric string).


    Secret AWS Secret Access Key (40-character alphanumeric string).


    Secret SSH private key to access the deployed AWS EC2 instance. It must include the opening and closing lines. Example:


    Secret GitHub access token. This is only required if the service repository is private. Example:



    Variable AWS S3 bucket name to store the Terraform state.


    Variable Service repository URL.


    Variable Public ID of the service.

    valory/keep3r_bot_goerli:0.1.0 for Görli testnet

    valory/keep3r_bot:0.1.0 for Ethereum mainnet

    SERVICE_REPO_TAG (Optional)

    Variable Release tag corresponding to the version of the service you want to deploy. If not defined, the script will deploy the latest release. Currently:


    Next, Populate, commit and push the files with the service configuration parameters:

    File Description


    It must contain the address(es) and key(s) for the agents to be deployed. Example (for a single agent):
      "address": "0x1c883D4D6a429ef5ea12Fa70a1d67D6f6013b279",
      "private_key": "0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef...0"

    Typically, it is not advisable to expose the keys.json file in the repository. As an alternative, we provide a mechanism where you can define the GitHub secret KEYS_JSON with the contents of the file.


    It must contain the service-specific variables. You must check the service you are deploying to know which variables you need to define. Example:


    If you don't want to expose secret/confidential variables in the repository, you can assign them a blank value (or a placeholder value)4 in the file service_vars.env, and override their values by defining GitHub secrets matching the corresponding variables' names. For the present case (keep3r_bot and keep3r_bot_goerli services), we recommend this practice with the variables ARBITRUM_RPC_0 and SERVICE_RPC_0.

    For security reasons, even if present in the file service_vars.env, the following variables will not be overridden with GitHub secrets or variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, OPERATOR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY, GH_TOKEN, KEYS_JSON, TFSTATE_S3_BUCKET.

    1. Deploy the infrastructure and the service to AWS. Run the "Deploy service" workflow using the GitHub interface. This workflow will create the necessary resources on AWS. Once the workflow has finished, the generated AWS EC2 instance will take over with the process of deploying the agent for the service.

      Deploy service workflow

    Please wait until the AWS EC2 instance finishes completing the service deployment. The IP of the created AWS EC2 instance can be retrieved for the "Summary" step in the "Deploy service" workflow.

    1. Interact with the AWS EC2 instance. You can connect to the AWS EC2 instance as the user ubuntu using the SSH private key specified:

      ssh -i /path/to/private_key ubuntu@<AWS_EC2_PUBLIC_IP>

      Track the progress of the service deployment by checking the log file:

      cat ~/deploy_service.log

      Once the service agent is up and running, you can attach to its screen session:

      screen -r service_screen_session

      Use Ctrl+A D to detach from the session. Alternatively, you can also follow the Docker logs:

      docker logs abci0 --follow  # For the agent
      docker logs node0 --follow  # For the Tendermint node
    2. Destroy the infrastructure. Run the "Destroy infrastructure" workflow using the GitHub interface. This will destroy the resources created on AWS. Alternatively, you can also remove the resources using the AWS Management Console.

      Deploy service workflow

    Deploy the service using the CLI

    You can also execute the deployment steps manually on your local machine. You must ensure that you have the required software:

    Follow these steps:

    1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

    2. Configure cloud credentials and service parameters.

      1. Set up the AWS CLI. Configure your local machine to work with your AWS credentials (AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key):

        aws configure

        You can check if it has been properly configured by examining the files

        cat ~/.aws/config
        cat ~/.aws/credentials
      2. Define the following environment variables. See the description of the variables in Step 2 in the section above.

        export TF_VAR_operator_ssh_pub_key_path=<path/to/your/ssh_public_key>
        export TFSTATE_S3_BUCKET=<tfstate_s3_bucket>
        export SERVICE_REPO_URL=<owner>/<repo>
        export SERVICE_ID=<author>/<service_name>:<version>
        # Optional variables
        export SERVICE_REPO_TAG=<version_tag>
        export GH_TOKEN=ghp_000000000000000000000000000000000000
      3. Populate the files with the service configuration parameters. See the description of the files in Step 2 in the section above:

        • ./config/keys.json
        • ./config/service_vars.env
    3. Deploy the infrastructure and the service to AWS.

      1. Deploy the infrastructure:

        cd ./infra/aws/docker-compose/
        terraform init -backend-config="bucket=$TFSTATE_S3_BUCKET"
        terraform plan
        terraform apply

        You should see the the following output once the command finishes:

        Apply complete! Resources: 10 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
        instance_id = <AWS_EC2_ID>
        instance_public_ip = <AWS_EC2_PUBLIC_IP>

        The instance will automatically install the Open Autonomy framework, together with a number of dependencies. You should wait until the AWS EC2 instance is ready (typically, less than 5 minutes). The command below will wait until it is ready:

        aws ec2 wait instance-status-ok --instance-ids <AWS_EC2_ID>
      2. Generate the service deployment script:

        # Position on the root of the repository
        cd ../../..

        The script will generate the file, which contains the necessary commands to deploy the service in the AWS EC2 instance.

      3. Deploy the agent to the AWS EC2 instance:

        scp ./ ubuntu@<AWS_EC2_PUBLIC_IP>:~ 
        ssh ubuntu@<AWS_EC2_PUBLIC_IP> 'nohup ~/ > deploy_service.log 2>&1 &'

        You might need to indicate the SSH private key path using the -i option on the scp and ssh commands.

    4. Interact with the AWS EC2 instance. See Step 5 in the section above.

    5. Destroy the infrastructure.

      cd ./infra/aws/docker-compose/
      terraform destroy

      This will destroy the resources created on AWS. Alternatively, you can also remove the resources using the AWS Management Console.


    1. If you wish to deploy on another AWS Region, you need to modify the Terraform variable deployment_region in the file ./infra/aws/docker_compose/ You also need to provide a valid Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID for that region (resource aws_instance in the file ./infra/aws/docker_compose/, otherwise the deployment process will fail on terraform apply.

    2. For simplicity, the Terraform scripts in this repository do not implement state locking. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the script is not executed concurrently by different users in order to prevent potential issues. You might consider implementing state locking in the AWS S3 bucket using DyanomDB. See for example this or this tutorial.

    3. Make sure to use one of the supported AWS EC2 key pairs. You can also use the AWS Management Console to create a key pair.

    4. The deployment process will override any service-specific variable defined in the ./config/service_vars.env with any secret or variable defined in the GitHub repository that matches the variable name. It is important to note that a variable (overridden or not) will be exported to the AWS EC2 instance running the service agent only if it is declared in the ./config/service_vars.env file.


This repository is for agent operators to deploy the Autonomous Keeper Agent on AWS







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