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VScript extensions for use inside population files

This is a greatly expanded fork of the original PopExtensions that aims to recreate many of the features in sigsegv/rafradek's server plugins.

The roadmap for what needs to be added to this script can be found here. We encourage anyone and everyone to submit pull requests to recreate the missing features in VScript.

How to install: put scripts directory inside tf directory, merge if necessary

scripts/population/mvm_bigrock_vscript.pop is a demonstrative popfile that makes use of all available hooks



  • Dozens of one-line key-values that mimic many of the features of rafmod/sigmod. Forcibly disable romevision, turn players into Robots, apply global item attributes or conditions to players, and way more than can be reasonably listed here

Bot Tags

  • Dozens of bot tags that mimic many of the rafmod/sigmod TFBot keyvalues
  • Enables a variety of AI mechanics previously exclusive to rafmod/sigmod. Spellcasting bots, custom spawn locations, homing rockets, the list goes on.

Global fixes and balance changes

  • The holiday punch can tickle robots once more, with working animations!
  • Your Eternal Reward disguises are no longer delayed.
  • Improved money collection for scout (collects instantly), money spawns with zero velocity.
  • Fixed HoldFireUntilReload on every weapon
  • Dragons Fury cannot be reflected.

Reverse MvM

  • Native Reverse MvM support (WIP)

Backwards Compatible

  • All the original features of popextensions for adding spawn/death output hooks to bots and tanks are still supported, making this library a drop-in replacement.


  • no need to worry about cleaning everything up manually, popextensions will automatically remove itself and all of its changes when a new popfile or wave that does not use it is loaded.


This library has a handful of features that rely on convars that are not included by default in cfg/vscript_convar_allowlist.txt. You will need to modify this cfg file to add the following convars:



MissionAttributes Example

Mission attributes are collected in a table on wave init. The function for doing so is CollectMissionAttrs()

        // Add or replace existing InitWaveOutput with code below
            Target gamerules // gamerules or tf_gamerules, depending on the map
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "
                // The original InitWaveOutput trigger, change if necessary
                EntFire(`wave_init_relay`, `Trigger`)

                // Load popextensions script

                    `NoReanimators`: 1
                    `666Wavebar`: 1
                    `ForceHoliday`: 8
                    `NoRome`: 2
                    `WaveStartCountdown`: 5
                    `PlayersAreRobots`: 2|4|8|16
                    `SpellRateCommon`: 0.5
                    `StandableHeads`: 1
                    `PlayerAttributes`: {
                        [TF_CLASS_SCOUT] = {
                            `damage bonus` : 5,
                            `fire rate penalty` : 2,
                            `max health additive bonus` : 100,
                        [TF_CLASS_SOLDIER] = {
                            `damage penalty` : 0.5,
                            `fire rate bonus` : 0.5,
                        [TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN] = {
                            `fire rate bonus` : 0.5,

You can find every single valid keyvalue in popextensions/missionattributes.nut under the MissionAttributes::MissionAttr function

Original Popextensions Example

The example below makes bots with tag abc green, spawns a barrel prop on bot's head and gives them a frying pan (thanks to this script to download from here

        // Add or replace existing InitWaveOutput with code below
            Target gamerules // gamerules or tf_gamerules, depending on the map
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "
                // The original InitWaveOutput trigger, change if necessary
                EntFire(`wave_init_relay`, `Trigger`)

                // Load popextensions script
                // Yaki's scripts for giving weapons, and making custom ones. Download:

                // If you are hitting the 4096 character limit inside this script, it would be required to put hooks into separate file
                // IncludeScript(`mypophooks`)
                // Add event hooks for bots with specifed Tag.
                AddRobotTag(`abc`, {
                    // Called when the robot is spawned
                    OnSpawn = function(bot, tag) {
                        bot.KeyValueFromString(`rendercolor`, `0 255 0`)
                        bot.GiveWeapon(`Frying Pan`)
                        // Create a barrel prop on bot's head
                        CreatePlayerWearable(bot, `models/props_farm/wooden_barrel.mdl`, false, `head`)
                    // Called when the robot is killed
                    // Params as in player_death event in
                    // Params may be null if the bot was forcefully changed to spectator team
                    OnDeath = function(bot, params) {
                        // Restore colors back to normal as necessary
                        bot.KeyValueFromString(`rendercolor`, `255 255 255`)

Example below makes all tanks that begin with name abc red and spawn with a prop and trigger_ignite on top. The tanks also use a custom icon:

            Target gamerules // gamerules or tf_gamerules, depending on the map
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "
                // The original InitWaveOutput trigger, change if necessary
                EntFire(`wave_init_relay`, `Trigger`)

                // Load popextensions script

                // Set custom wave icons inside this function
                SetWaveIconsFunction(function() {
                    // Use custom icon for a tank, first remove the regular tank icon
                    SetWaveIconSpawnCount(`tank`, MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL, 0)
                    // Add our custom tank icon
                    SetWaveIconSpawnCount(`tank_red`, MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL, 1)

                // Add event hooks for tanks with specified Name, also supports wildcard suffix
                AddTankName(`abc*`, {
                    // Called when the tank is spawned
                    OnSpawn = function(tank, name) {
                        // Create a prop on top of the tank
                        local prop = SpawnEntityFromTable(`prop_dynamic`, {model = `models/props_badlands/barrel01.mdl`, origin = `0 0 200`})

                        // Create an ignite trigger
                        local trigger = SpawnEntityFromTable(`trigger_ignite`, {origin = `0 0 100`, spawnflags = `1`})
                        SetupTriggerBounds(trigger, Vector(-200,-200,-200), Vector(200,200,200))
                        SetParentLocalOrigin([prop, trigger], tank)

                        ClientPrint(null, 2, `OnSpawnTank`)
                        tank.KeyValueFromString(`rendercolor`, `255 0 0`)
                    // Called when the tank is destroyed
                    // Params as in,npc_hurt,-Name%3A
                    OnDeath = function(tank, params) {
                        // Decrement custom tank icon when killed
                        DecrementWaveIconSpawnCount(`tank_red`, MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL, 1)

Setting ConVars

this library includes the function function MissionAttributes::SetConvar. This will reset the value of any changed ConVars after the wave/mission that uses the changed cvar is unloaded. Do not use ConVars.SetValue directly

        // Add or replace existing InitWaveOutput with code below
            Target gamerules // gamerules or tf_gamerules, depending on the map
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "
                // The original InitWaveOutput trigger, change if necessary
                EntFire(`wave_init_relay`, `Trigger`)

                // Load popextensions script

                //disable Jungle Inferno airblast behavior
                MissionAttributes.SetConvar(`tf_airblast_cray`, 0)

Changing attributes on players and/or weapons

As shown above in the mission attributes example. It is possible to apply global attribute changes to players and specific items. ItemAttributes supports item indexes or classnames for weapons.

Due to a limitation with VScripts AddAttribute/AddCustomAttribute functions, string attributes cannot be set. This means setting attributes such as custom projectile model are not possible


VScript extensions for use inside population files







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  • Squirrel 98.5%
  • Valve Data Format 1.5%