released this
01 Mar 12:54
Notable changes:
Transition to OpenSUSE 13.2
LXQt 0.8 update (Qt4 version due to Qt5 build's instability)
be wary, nitrogen is used to control desktop wallpapers instead of pcmanfm-qt
Enlightenment removed due to inability to login
file persistency is enabled (may work extremely slow on slow R/W media like bad flash)
/tmp is put on RAM and cleansing of /var/tmp is enabled
printer and scaner support added due to occasional usefulness
YaST firewall is disabled by default to ensure connectivity
filesharing servers for NFS, T/FTP, SMB are provided
OpenVAS and ClamAV security systems and plethora of network scanners are present
forensic image taking & analysing tools such as guymager and plaso are installed
virtualization support is added via libvirt: qemu/kvm & lxc
kiwi is installed by default for completeness
all audio I/O goes to JACK now, default user is allowed realtime
PA runs as JACK client, uses echo cancellation by default
pure ALSA also redirects to JACK
OSS apps (like tvtime) can use JACK via PA's 'padsp'
JAMin is used before output to enhance sound, defaults to low & high boost + DRC
QJackCtl, QasMixer and PASysTray are used for control and configuration
colour is managed via colord with argyllCMS, dispcalGUI and xiccd
LeechCraft-Azoth now supports audio calls
Tox P2P IM audio/video protocol is fully supported
(X & ncurses Tox clients + libpurple-plugin for LC-Azoth)
LinPhone + SIP Witch / switchview bundle is added for safe P2P conferencing in HD A/V
SMplayer and VLC replaced with bomi/mpv
gtk-recordmydesktop replaced with simplescreenrecorder
SubtitleComposer and Aegisub are added for subtitle handling
GoldenDict, the ultimate dictionary, is updated from its ancient version
all logging completely directed into systemd-journal
PCI & USB ids, smartdb and CAs always updated before creating image
Custom build of Firefox with:
system libjpeg-turbo, libpng, cairo, pixman, libvpx, sqlite, libevent, hunspell, icu, ffi, bz2
direct JACK support (PA output should work too if JACK is not running)
disabled crash reporting, accessibility
enabled stripping, disabled '-g' flag
sudo now handles GUI apps and can replace xdg-su/kdesu/gksu
hundreds of other changes
Known issues
systemd whines about failed services but it's full of shit, those actually work as expected
jamin craps on screen's idle direct rendering surfaces like video player on pause
gnome-keyring does not automatically unlocks on login as it supposed to
autologin with delay doesn't work in lightdm
programs like VLC and FF use DBus screensaver inhibition but XSS doesn't support it
virtual keyboard used is actually onboard
and not kvkbd
openSUSE's build of Remmina has NX support disabled
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