Simple implementation of the Profile Steering algorithm in Python. Utilizes device optimization code from DEMKit:
Background reading materials related to the code:
- Profile Steering paper:
- Algorithms:
- Interactive demo:
To cite the Profile Steering algorithms, please use: M. E. T. Gerards, H. A. Toersche, G. Hoogsteen, T. van der Klauw, J. L. Hurink, and G. J. M. Smit, "Demand side management using profile steering," In PowerTech, 2015 IEEE, Eindhoven, 6 pages, June 2015.
Use Python 3.x to execute
This software is made available under the Apache version 2.0 license:
The software depends on external software (e.g. Python, Grafana, InfluxDB and optionally Docker) and libraries. These external packages are likely to contain other software which may be licenced under other licenses. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the use of external software and libraries complies with any relevant licenses. This also applies to created Docker images by the user through the usage and/or execution of the Dockerfile, Docker-compose files, and setup scripts provided with this software. A list of used Python libraries can be found in the requirements.txt file.
In case you need assistance, please contact:
Gerwin Hoogsteen:
- g.hoogsteen [at] utwente [dot] nl
- demgroup-eemcs [at] utwente [dot] nl