Template language independent server side rendering framework written in Swift.
is template language independent server side rendering framework written in Swift, built on top of the Vapor framework. It enables you to create real-time user experience with (ideally) no JavaScript knowledge required.
- Template language independence - no need to choose anymore. Easily switch between multiple templating languages such as Leaf or Tokamak.
- Modern concurrency - leveraging Swift's modern concurrency features such as async/await and actors
- Swift focused - make full use of Swift's performance, safety productivity features while writing your web applications. Full-stack this time 😉.
- Cross platform deployment - easily deploy on macOS and Linux, allowing you to build and run web app on the server platform that best suits you
has been tested only with apps using Vapor. Documentation is available here and is Vapor focused.
This framework is product of masters thesis conducted at Masaryk University Faculty of Informatics. Supervision was provided by doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Matěj, Ph.D and Ing. Filip Klembara, with help of in2core company