- ForEach : allows you to execute something for each of the items without any transformations/data manipulation
- GetRandomElement : returns radnom element from the collection
- MakeString(this IEnumerable chars) : Create string from IEnumerable of chars
- TakeLast : Take last x elements from sequence (in order as they are in the sequence)
- AddAlternatives : Create new collection that contains the original input and extends it with "alternative" items
- In : Returns true if value is contained in given collection
- Between : Returns true if the value is between lower and upper. Works for everything that implement IComparable e.g. Int, Double etc.
- IsIncremental : Checks whether objects in this collection are in incremental order. (Objects must be comparable)
- ToStringOrValue : Return this.ToString or alternative string value if this item does not satisfy the predicate condition
- Times : 5.Times(i => Console.writeLine(i));
- GetDescription : Makes it easy to get the description (friendly name with spaces etc.) for a given value of the enum
- GetDisplayName : Gets [Display(Name = "xxx")] of enum.
- ToShortDateUnique : return .ToShortDate() or ShortDate+hour:minutes if there are two or more dates of the same day in list of dates
- Quarter : Get the quarter of the year for this datetime.
- FirstDayOfQUarter : First day of quarter to which this date belongs.
- LastDayOfQUarter : Last day of quarter to which this date belongs.
- StartOfWeek : Get first day of the week (that this date is part of).
- ToDateOnly : Convert to DateOnly.
- HoursToDecimal : 11:40 -> 11.6
- ToShortDateString : Returns short date string or empty string if the value is null
- ToAge : Calculates age form date of birth
- ToStringOrEmpty : Returns value of nullable type as string ot empty string if the value is null
- double_ToStringOrEmpty : Reutrns double formated according to parameter or empty string
- Swap Swap two items in List
- IsDigitsOnly : Checks if the string consists of digits only
- Println : Write string to console (System.Console.WriteLine(str);)
- PrintlnAndPause Write string to console and wait for ReadKey
- GetFirstLine First line from string
- GetFirstWord
- GetLines
- ContainsAny "my text".ContainsAny("tems1", "term 2",...)
- ContainsAll "my text".ContainsAll("tems1", "term 2",...)
- RemoveDiacritics (experimental)
- TryParseNumber : Parsing numbers as it should be in the framework.
- TryParseNumberCzEn : trying to to go crazy from cz vs en decimal separator
- MakeValidFileName Removes characters that are not valid in file names in Windows
- SanitizeCzech
- FirstCharToUpper Capitalize first letter
- IsNotEmpty Instead of !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) just do str.IsNotEmpty()
- IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace Instead of !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) just do str.IsNotEmptyOrWhiteSpace()
- Substring2 Substring without crashing when not long enough
- ShortenCutMiddle Shorten the string to beginning..end
- ShortenToLength Shorten the string to length and add "..."
- CopyTo : Copies all files from one directory to another
Helper methods
these are static methods, not extension methods
- FirstNonEmpty : first string (from parameters) that is not null and not empty (e.g.: FirstNonEmpty(CustomColor, Person?.Color, "#6F3948")
- CountDays : Counts how many Mondays (or Tuesdays,..) is in given date range
- GetDaysBetween : Same but not enumareble of days, not count
- monthsDatesBetween : months between two dates
- monthsNamesBetween : months names between two dates
- TryParseDate : parse datetime from string and returns null in case of fail.
UIExtensions (separete file Extensions_GUI.cs - needs WPF)
- FindChild : UI child finder, e.g.: comboBox.FindChild(typeof(TextBox), "PART_EditableTextBox") as TextBox;
- GetScrollViewer : Returns ScrollViewer of this ListBox or null