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Releases: urasandesu/Prig

Prig v2.3.2

12 Mar 07:07
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  • Fixed #83: Namespace / typename confusion. Added global namespace alias when Prig Assembly is generated.
  • Fixed #85: The method of generic type that has declaring type parameter excluding this cannot detour. Against the method that has the type as same as declaring the type as the signature, consider the problem that we cannot make the generic type instance that is instantiated by its generic parameter in the managed code.
  • Fixed #76: Unable to share unit test with team. Modify the processing so that adds Prig Assembly to reference the only assembly that is located at System Directory(e.g. C:\Windows) by full path.
  • Fixed #81: Support VS2013/VS2015 mixed environment. Change the machine wide installer behavior: change the target of Test Explorer for prig install from the latest Visual Studio to all versions Visual Studio.
  • Fixed #90, #91: MsTest issues. Indirection Stub is unintendedly crossed plural AppDomains by MsTest. Improve AppDomain isolation against the profiler generated code.
  • Fixed #92: Add Prig Assembly is failed immediately after installation. Set the log directory permission to everyone full control when installing.

NOTE: You have to reinstall Prig explicitly to enable the above correction. For details, see our Wiki.

Prig v2.3.1

14 Aug 02:25
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  • Fixed #68: MSTest is crashed. This was regression by part of 6e0571f.
  • Fixed #72: Problem for multi assemblies loading order(HRESULT: 0x80131124). This cause is wrong assembly identification. Add the flag that indicates whether the assembly is modifiable to determine their equality.
  • Fixed #74: Unable to register. Prig registration process didn't support except C drive. Now we support another.
  • Fix the bug that is low in reproducibility. Prig Assembly operation sometimes failed. It seems that the design of Start-Process is the reason.
  • Fix the adding Prig Assembly problem. The operation that adds Prig Assembly always failed if the target referenced assembly name is different from its project name. Until now, we had used Name property but it was wrong. To specify the assembly name, we have to use Identity property.
  • Change Chocolatey installation source from Visual Studio Gallery to GitHub. Because Visual Studio Gallery doesn't allow to keep the old version.

Prig v2.3.0

29 Apr 08:38
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  • Fixed the issue that stack trace isn't outputted in Windows 10. It seems that this correction doesn't effect against Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. There is a high probability that we used wrongly the api that handles stack trace.
  • Update middleware. NUnit is updated from to
  • Fixed #60: Don't create log directory in various places. When installing, add the environment variable to indicate the log directory. Also, remove the variable when uninstalling.
  • Fixed #62: Propose empty mock implementation for replacement target method. Improve Get-IndirectionStubSetting command more explanatorily. By the way, I added some code snippets, but it is an experiment -- possibly, they are removed at next release.
  • Fixed #64: Any Prig Assembly addition is failed in the environment that the environment variable VS###COMNTOOLS is installed only one. Fix the script bug.
  • Fixed #65: Prig cannot handle type reference generic parameter constraint. Change the AssemblyBuilderAccess of temporary assembly ReflectionOnly to Run, because it conflicts with the assembly that has been already loaded as runnable(this behavior is uncontrollable).
  • Fixed #66: Register Prig menu doesn't work in a x86 environment. Fix the behavior to choose the file path depends on the processor architecture.
  • Fixed a regression caused by Visual Studio 2015 support.
  • Fixed some potential bugs.

Prig v2.2.0

21 Feb 08:59
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  • Fixed #57: Support for Continuous Integration Server (like AppVeyor). Add some special APIs and maintenance document to explain them. For details, please see our Wiki.
  • Fixed #58: Needs more robustness for additional delegates. Ignore the additional delegate that doesn't exist, because build error occurs even if the delegate doesn't relevant.
  • Fixed potential bugs. Some multiple threads race conditions existed. These were found by Coverity.

Prig v2.1.1

23 Jan 07:02
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  • Update middleware. Boost is updated from 1.55.0 to 1.60.0.
  • Fixed infrastructure's bug. The function to parse PE header was wrong. This bug affected the environment installed Visual Studio 2015 or more. See also the comment of the issue.
  • Reduce environmental dependence. Until this improvement, Add-PrigAssembly command used absolute path instead of relative path or environment variable. So, any build will fail on another environment different from first setup without *.csproj modification.
  • Improve prig.exe help. Also, we maintain out wiki to explain it.

Prig v2.1.0

20 Dec 03:20
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  • Fixed #48: No longer need install.ps1 for NuGet. Clean up the content.
  • Fixed #49: Minimize the dependency to Chocolatey. Prig can support standalone installation via VSIX since this version.
  • Fixed #52: Support Visual Studio 2015 Update 1. Deal that the test execution engine is changed from vstest.executionengine to TE.ProcessHost.Managed.
  • Fixed some potentially bugs for prig command. It could not remove the symbolic link that has been already moved. Additionaly, improve some error messages.

Prig v2.0.0

12 Oct 08:22
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  • Fixed #31: Issue with out parameters.
  • Fixed #46: Support mocking DLL imports.
  • Against the comment-based help of Prig management commands, unified the definition of word because they were defined. See also our wiki.

Prig v2.0.0-alpha06

18 Sep 00:59
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Prig v2.0.0-alpha06 Pre-release
  • Fixed #45: Support Visual Studio 2015
  • Fixed #44: Namespace reference not added for parameter that is array type
    [NOTICE] This issue has already been fixed in the family of V2. We just applied the fix to the family of V1.
  • Improve installation robustness. The ExecutionPolicy of PowerShell that is invoked during build tasks was sometimes unexpected, so modify to set explicit value.
  • Enhance supported signature. The unusual types that appear on the interface of a method is almost supported. For example, T[,][](T is a generic type parameter), List<DateTime[]>[,], out M[][,](M is a generic method parameter) and so on.
  • Prepare to support three or more out/ref parameters. By decreasing the dependencies of an indirection stub that profiler used, performance is also improved.

Prig v1.1.1

14 Sep 12:55
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  • [NOTICE] The family of v1 will be obsolete soon. We strongly recommend migrating to the family of the v2. About the way of the migration, please see our Wiki.
  • Support Visual Studio 2015.
  • Merge the fixes that were applied to the family of the v2.

Prig v2.0.0-alpha05

01 Aug 10:49
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Prig v2.0.0-alpha05 Pre-release
  • Improve stability for the methods of the classes that are used on the boundary of application domains(e.g. AppDomain, BinaryReader, MemoryStream, Thread and so on).
  • Improve usability for the command to manage Prig a little(See also the Wiki).
  • Merge Infrastructure Bug Fix(See also Swathe issues #2)
  • Make the sequence that builds the indirection stub dll more efficient.