The idea for this template came up for me after couple DS competitions. The main purpose of the template is to organize the development flow.
This template based on jupyter notebooks, and can be used for with jupyter lab as well.
- data - folder for train and test datasets
- scripts - folder for jupyter notebook scripts
- submissions - folder for submission files
After creating a submission file, scripts creates a file in the 'submissioms' folder. For the comnience purpose I used this trick,
var nb = IPython.notebook;
var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel;
var command = "NOTEBOOK_FULL_PATH = '" + nb.notebook_path + "'";
And then in python we have:
which we can use for the file naming.
Recomendation: Copy a jupyter notebook with a new name e.g. script_1.ipyng -> script_2.ipyng.
- add templates for the CrossValidation (A new folder?)
- add templates for the ensemble learning