This is a collection of my personal dot files and like wise that configure my working setup.
Take a look at the included Brewfile
or just run brew bundle install
- autotest-fsevent
- autotest-growl
- autotest-rails
- awesome_print
- bundler
- cheat
- foreman
- git
- git-up
- git_statistics
- github-linguist
- gitjour
- grb
- guard
- guard-bundler
- guard-jasmine
- guard-rspec
- guard-spork
- heroku
- heroku-api
- letter_opener
- methadone
- nyan-cat-formatter
- pry
- puma
- rb-appscript
- rb-fsevent
- rb-inotify
- rb-kqueue
- rb-readline
- rvm
- spork
- terminal-notifier-guard
- tmuxinator
- working_man