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Edouard-Legoupil committed Nov 22, 2023
1 parent 6aded09 commit 4a72dbb
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@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# A tutorial on how to use record linkage to remove duplicate from a Registration list

Record linkage, also known as data matching or deduplication or Unique Entity Estimation (UEE), is the process of identifying and linking records within or between datasets that refer to the same entity or individual. The goal of record linkage is to reconcile and merge information from different non-matching sources to create a unified and accurate view of the underlying entities.

In UNHCR context, this can be the case when merging registration list from different field partners, for instance when creating a sampling universe to organise a survey. Registration records form each list may vary in terms of data quality, format, and completeness. Record linkage helps to overcome these challenges by identifying and connecting related records, even when they do not have a common unique identifier.
Expand All @@ -17,15 +19,12 @@ The process of record linkage typically involves several steps:
* __Linking and Merging__: After determining which records are matches, the linked records are merged or consolidated to create a single, comprehensive record that combines information from the original sources.

## {RecordLinkage} & {fastLink}

There are numerous packages for Record Linkage.
## How to?

We show here 2 vignettes, one for each package.
There are numerous packages for Record Linkage, such as {RecordLinkage} & {fastLink}

In this [presentation](, we focus on [Fastlink]( which was also highlighted in this [presentation from UN Stat Commission]( - a practical example from DANE in Colombia - matching a survey - - Gran encuesta integrada de hogares (GEIH) - with a registry - Registro Estadístico de Relaciones Laborales (RELAB) -

## Reference

Adapted from
You can also check the [record-linkage-tutorial](

289 changes: 289 additions & 0 deletions deduplicate.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
### A script workflow for Record linkage ----------

# install.packages("fastLink")

## Load the data -
# which is here already the results of merging multiple list from different excel files
data <- readxl::read_excel(here::here("data-raw", "Registros2.xlsx"),
sheet = "Sheet1") |> janitor::clean_names()

## Cleaning functions ###############

#' separate_name
#' use the name pattern to separate the name
#' in case family name is more than one word,
#' identify family prefix to bind with such as "DEL", 'DE", "DE LOS", "DE LAS"
#' @param fullname full name including everything together
#' @param namepattern either "firstname_fathername_mother_name" or "fathername_mothername_firstname
#' @return a list with c("firstname","fathername","mothername")
#' @export
separate_fullname <- function(fullname, namepattern){

# ###
# sp <- tidyr::separate(fullname, " ")
# return(sp)

test <- data |>
dplyr::filter( ) |>
dplyr::select(nombre_completo, name_pattern)

fullname <- test$nombre_completo
namepattern <- test$name_pattern
sep <- separate_fullname(fullname, namepattern)

#' cleanvar
#' function for data cleaning with additional name removal logic
#' @param names_column name of the column to treat
#' @param toRemove default vector with stuff to remove from name
#' c(" JR", " SR", " IV", " III", " II")
#' @return names_column_new name of the column treat
#' @export
cleanvar <- function(names_column,
toRemove = c(" JR", " SR", " IV", " III", " II")) {
# Convert to uppercase
names_column_new <- toupper(names_column)
# Remove specified name suffixes
for (tR in toRemove) {
names_column_new <- gsub(tR, "", names_column_new)
# Convert special characters to ASCII equivalents
names_column_new <- iconv(names_column_new, "latin1", "ASCII//TRANSLIT", sub = "")
# Remove punctuation, digits, and all spaces
names_column_new <- gsub("[[:punct:][:digit:]][[:space:]]", "", names_column_new)
# Create a new variable with only alphabetic characters
names_column_new <- gsub("[^[:alpha:]]", "", names_column_new)


## FGet the data post processing #####################
data.prep <- data |>

## Filter where the phone number is not available -- "NO REFIERE"
dplyr::filter( telefono != "NO REFIERE") |>

## Clean age_range
# dplyr::mutate( age_range = dplyr::case_when(
# !(is.null(edad)) & (edad <5 ) ~ "0-4",
# genero %in% c("M" , "MASCULINO" , "Masculino") ~ "M",
# genero %in% c("X", "Otro") ~ "Ot",
# TRUE ~ age_range )) |>

## Clean the gender variable
# data |> dplyr::select(genero) |> dplyr::distinct() |> dplyr::pull()
dplyr::mutate(gender = dplyr::case_when(
genero %in% c("F" ,"FEMENINO" ,"f", "Femenino") ~ "F",
genero %in% c("M" , "MASCULINO" , "Masculino") ~ "M",
genero %in% c("X", "Otro") ~ "Ot",
TRUE ~ NA )) |>

## Only retain the nationality of interest
# data |> dplyr::select(nacionalidad) |> dplyr::distinct() |> dplyr::pull()
dplyr::mutate(nationality = dplyr::case_when(
nacionalidad %in% c("Venzuela", "venezuela", "Venezolana",
"Venezuela", "VENEZOLANO", "VENEZOLANA") ~ "VEN",
nacionalidad %in% c("COLOMBIANO", "COLOMBIANA", "COLOMBIA",
"colombia", "Colombia", "Nac. Colombia",
"Colombiana" ) ~ "COL",
TRUE ~ "other" )) |>
dplyr::filter( nationality %in% c("VEN", "COL" )) |>
## Apply cleanvar()
# Perform data cleaning on dfA using the clean_names function
dplyr::mutate_at( dplyr::vars(nombres, apellido_paterno, apellido_materno,
asistencia, departamento, telefono,
planilla, socio),
list(new = cleanvar)) |>

### identify single data source
dplyr::mutate(datasource = paste0(socio_new, "_", planilla_new)) |>

# ## Retain only fields for record linkage
dplyr::select(datasource, nationality, nombres_new, apellido_paterno_new,
apellido_materno_new, asistencia_new, departamento_new,
telefono_new, gender)

table(data.prep$gender, useNA = "ifany")
table(data.prep$nationality, useNA = "ifany")

## Check the datasource that we will compare
table(data.prep$datasource, useNA = "ifany")

## See if can use departamento for blocking
table(data.prep$datasource, data.prep$departamento_new, useNA = "ifany")

alldatasource <- data.prep |>
dplyr::select(datasource) |>
dplyr::distinct() |>

## Let's get 2 comparison dataset... ##########
dfA <- data.prep |>
dplyr::filter(datasource == alldatasource[9]) |>
dplyr::select( - datasource)

dfB <- data.prep |>
dplyr::filter(datasource == alldatasource[6])|>
dplyr::select( - datasource)

matches.out <- fastLink::fastLink(
dfA = dfA,
dfB = dfB,
# Specify the vector of variable names to be used for matching.
# These variable names should exist in both dfA and dfB
varnames = c("nationality" , "nombres_new" , "apellido_paterno_new" ,"apellido_materno_new",
"asistencia_new" , "departamento_new", "telefono_new" , "gender" ),

# Specify which variables among varnames should be compared using string distance
stringdist.match = c( "nombres_new" , "apellido_paterno_new" ,

# Specify which variables present in stringdist.match can be partially matched
partial.match = c( "nombres_new" , "apellido_paterno_new" ),

# Specify which variables should be matched numerically
# Must be a subset of 'varnames' and must not be present in 'stringdist.match'.
numeric.match = c("telefono_new"
#'dob_day', 'dob_month', 'dob_year'

# Specify the number of CPU cores to utilize (parallel processing).
## Get the number of detected cores minus 1, Reserve one core for
#non-computational tasks to help prevent system slowdowns or unresponsiveness
n.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
return.df = TRUE)

# Confusion Matrice
fastLink::confusion(matches.out, threshold = 0.98)

# Examine the EM object:

# Summarize the accuracy of the match:
# each column gives the match count, match rate,
# false discovery rate (FDR) and false negative rate (FNR)
# under different cutoffs for matches based on the posterior
# probability of a match.

## Gt the output...
matched_dfs <- fastLink::getMatches(
dfA = dfA,
dfB = dfB,
fl.out = matches.out,
threshold.match = 0.85

# convert cases rownames to a column
cases_clean <- cases %>% rownames_to_column()

# convert test_results rownames to a column
results_clean <- results %>% rownames_to_column()

# convert all columns in matches dataset to character,
#so they can be joined to the rownames
matches_clean <- my_matches %>%
mutate(across(everything(), as.character))

# Join matches to dfA, then add dfB
# column "inds.b" is added to dfA
complete <- left_join(cases_clean, matches_clean, by = c("rowname" = "inds.a"))

# column(s) from dfB are added
complete <- left_join(complete, results_clean, by = c("inds.b" = "rowname"))

#P reprocessing Matches via Blocking #################

blockgender_out <- fastLink::blockData(dfA, dfB, varnames = "gender")

## Subset dfA into blocks
dfA_block1 <- dfA[blockgender_out$block.1$dfA.inds,]
dfA_block2 <- dfA[blockgender_out$block.2$dfA.inds,]

## Subset dfB into blocks
dfB_block1 <- dfB[blockgender_out$block.1$dfB.inds,]
dfB_block2 <- dfB[blockgender_out$block.2$dfB.inds,]

## Run fastLink on each
link.1 <- fastLink::fastLink(
dfA = dfA_block1,
dfB = dfB_block1,
# Specify the vector of variable names to be used for matching.
# These variable names should exist in both dfA and dfB
varnames = c("nationality" , "nombres_new" , "apellido_paterno_new" ,"apellido_materno_new",
"asistencia_new" , "departamento_new", "telefono_new" , "gender" ),

# Specify which variables among varnames should be compared using string distance
stringdist.match = c( "nombres_new" , "apellido_paterno_new" ,

# Specify which variables present in stringdist.match can be partially matched
partial.match = c( "nombres_new" , "apellido_paterno_new" ),

# Specify which variables should be matched numerically
# Must be a subset of 'varnames' and must not be present in 'stringdist.match'.
numeric.match = c("telefono_new"
#'dob_day', 'dob_month', 'dob_year'

# Specify the number of CPU cores to utilize (parallel processing).
## Get the number of detected cores minus 1, Reserve one core for
#non-computational tasks to help prevent system slowdowns or unresponsiveness
n.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
return.df = TRUE)

link.2 <- fastLink::fastLink(
dfA = dfA_block2,
dfB = dfB_block2,
# Specify the vector of variable names to be used for matching.
# These variable names should exist in both dfA and dfB
varnames = c("nationality" , "nombres_new" , "apellido_paterno_new" ,"apellido_materno_new",
"asistencia_new" , "departamento_new", "telefono_new" , "gender" ),

# Specify which variables among varnames should be compared using string distance
stringdist.match = c( "nombres_new" , "apellido_paterno_new" ,

# Specify which variables present in stringdist.match can be partially matched
partial.match = c( "nombres_new" , "apellido_paterno_new" ),

# Specify which variables should be matched numerically
# Must be a subset of 'varnames' and must not be present in 'stringdist.match'.
numeric.match = c("telefono_new"
#'dob_day', 'dob_month', 'dob_year'

# Specify the number of CPU cores to utilize (parallel processing).
## Get the number of detected cores minus 1, Reserve one core for
#non-computational tasks to help prevent system slowdowns or unresponsiveness
n.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
return.df = TRUE)

## aggregate multiple matches into a single summary with aggregateEM()
agg.out <- fastLink::aggregateEM(em.list = list(link.1, link.2))


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