- bookmark this page, or drag this link http://github.com/undrewb/node-intro to your desktop. this will make it easy to return if you need to reboot.
- note that you could run the following steps on any platform with node and docker.
- for guidance on setting up a pi running rasbian to do this, please refer to pi-config.md
- After making any change to a file in visual studio code, press ctrl-s to save the change.
In your terminal window, create a projects directory in which to work
mkdir projects
cd projects
In your terminal window, setup git and get the project
git config --global user.email [email protected]
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git clone https://github.com/undrewb/node-intro.git
In your terminal window, go to project folder
cd ~/projects/node-intro
Make sure node is installed
node -v
npm -v
Make sure docker is available
docker ps
docker images
Run visual studio code
code-oss .
In visual studio code
- create and populate package.json
In terminal window
- download node dependencies.
npm install
In visual studio code
- create and populate server.js
Lets make sure it all works. In terminal window
- start your application
npm start
In the web browser navigate to
In visual studio code
- create and populate Dockerfile
- create and populate .dockerignore
In terminal window
- build docker image
docker build -t pilab/node-intro-img .
- review docker images in local registry
docker images docker ps
In terminal window
- run the image with docker
docker run -p 49160:8080 -d pilab/node-intro-img
- confirm its running
docker ps
docker build - create a docker image and put it in the local registry
docker start - run a docker image from the local image
docker ps - show the currently running containers
docker stop - stop a running container.
docker images - show the images in the local registry
docker system prune - remove old container and images
docker image rm <image id> - remove image from registry
In visual studio code
- edit server.js
res.send('Hello Hello\n');
In terminal window
- rebuild the container
docker build -t pilab/node-intro-img .
- restart the container
docker ps docker stop <name_of_container> docker run -p 49160:8080 -d pilab/node-intro-img curl http://localhost:49160
- reboot after installing docker so the docker daemon starts
- make sure you're in ~/projects/node-intro when you run the docker commands
- make sure you saved your changes after editting files.