You can change default key mappings. See customization section.
Switch to related application file by pressing F4. -
Open project settings by pressing F8. -
You can run commands anywhere in the project with TAB completion. By pressing F9.Example: r{TAB} turns into runserver, m{TAB} turns into makemigrations and mi{TAB} turns into migrate.
Virtual Environment Support: When you run a
command and if you are not in a virtual environment, vim-mule activates projects virtual environment (usually, in the parent directory of the project root) just for the command. Then you will no suprised with ImportError. -
Lists all the templates in the project in a quick fix window. By pressing F6. Requires ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim.
Jump commands are goes to commonly used files in spesific applications.
You can auto complete application name with TAB.
:DjangoViews [app]
Jumps to app's [app]
Jumps to app's [app]
Jumps to app's [app]
Jumps to app's [app]
Jumps to [app]
Jumps to
Install using vim-plug:
Plug 'umutcoskun/vim-mule'
Install using Vundle:
Plugin 'umutcoskun/vim-mule'
Install using Pathogen:
cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone
Here is the defeault options that you can change:
" Selected interpreter to run commands.
let g:mule_python_command = 'python3'
" Auto enable virtual environment.
" If you don't want, set it to 0 (zero).
let g:mule_auto_env = 1
" Only set if you don't want auto hotkey mappings.
" Hotkeys will mapped for only python filetype.
let g:mule_no_hotkeys = 1
" Uses CtrlP to list templates.
let g:mule_use_ctrlp = 1
Here is the default mappings if auto hotkeys enabled:
nmap <silent> <F4> :DjangoSwitch<CR>
nmap <silent> <F4> :DjangoTemplates<CR>
nmap <silent> <F8> :DjangoSettings<CR>
nmap <F9> :DjangoManage
Pull requests are welcome!