- ToucanPi Team AstroPi project for 2021-2022.
- Mentor: Turgut Durduran.
- Students: Gaia, Iris and Tom.
- Self-organized team with Year 6 ("Toucans") students from British School of Barcelona (Castelldefels, Spain).
- code/submit : Submitted codes.
- info:
- 'ToucanPi AstroPi challenge proposal 2021.pdf': Submitted proposal.
- 'ToucanPi Story 03_2022.pdf' : Interview questions for Raspberry Pi foundation.
- toucanpiISSdata1.ipynb : Google Collaboratory notebook of calculations/codes.
- toucandata_20220513_201103.csv : The data that was logged at ISS.
- Flight photos are available upon request.
- Astro_Pi_Mission_Space_Lab_Phase_4_Final_Report_2021_22_ToucanPi_Team.pdf: final report.
- extras: few extra codes