This lambda sends a configurable query to an elasticsearch cluster and then checks whether the results correspond to a particular set of ec2 instances.
It accomplishes this by checking each log message's hostname
field against the set of EC2 instances returned by searching for all EC2 instances tagged with the Key:Value combination defined in the tag_selector_key
and tag_selector_value
In other words, it returns all logs messages which correspond to the instances whose tags match tag_selector_key
It contains two non-standard library packages - these have been vendored into the repo because they need to be included in the deployment package.
To update the dependencies, amend the requirements.txt
file accordingly and then run
docker run -v $(pwd):/tmp/ python:3.9.2 pip3 install -r /tmp/lambda/requirements.txt --upgrade --target /tmp/lambda/
Example instantiation:
module "ssh_notifier_lambda" {
source = "git::"
function_name = "test-${var.environment}-ssh-notifier"
check_ec2 = "TRUE"
period_event_threshold = 1
query_delay_minutes = 0
tag_selector_key = "KubernetesCluster"
tag_selector_value = ""
period_minutes = "5"
elasticsearch_hostname = ""
elasticsearch_username = "lambda_read_only"
elasticsearch_password_parameter_name = "ssh_notifier_elasticsearch_password"
slack_password_parameter_name = "pod_exec_alert_slack_bot_password"
email_targets = ["[email protected]"]
vpc_id = var.vpc_id
subnet_ids = data.aws_subnet_ids.private.ids
query_string = "syslog_identifier: sshd"
index_pattern = "journald-acp-test-*"
tags = {
TYPE = var.environment