DHIS2 application built for assigning various metadata including organisation units, data sets, programs etc. Aiming in simplifying the activity of assigning multiple metadata at once.
Make sure your environment has the following
- Clone the repository from Git
git clone https://github.com/udsm-dhis2-lab/iassignment.git
- Navigate to application root folder
cd iassignment
- Install all required dependencies for the app.
npm install
yarn install
Execute the following command to run the application.
npm start
yarn start
Navigate to http://localhost:4200.
NOTE: This command will require proxy-config.json file available in the root of your source code, usually this file has this format.
"/api": {
"target": "http://localhost:4200/dhis/",
"secure": "false",
"auth": "username:password",
"changeOrigin": true
"/": {
"target": "http://localhost:4200/dhis/",
"secure": "false",
"auth": "username:password",
"changeOrigin": true
We have provided proxy-config.example.json
file as an example, make a copy and rename to proxy-config.json
To build the application, run
npm run build
yarn build
The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/, this will include a zip file ready for deploying to any DHIS2 instance..
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.