~$ tenbis
Uses the credential file on: .tenbis_cli.txt
Welcome to the TenBis panel!
your monthly frame is ₪359.50 / 880.00
the balance is 510.50
- to login!
- to open browser the middle of your important work over the terminal!
- to navigate over the slow and frustrating ten-bis website and menus!
just get your balance at any time in the easiest way that passable!
- get your ten-bis cookie:
- open your favorite browser, and open the inspect-tool, and select the monitoring section (see below picture fig1)
- open ten-bis user report page
- over the network menu, filter "UserReport" in the filter box, and select Doc over the response type (see picture fig2)
- right-click on the "UserReport" response, and select "copy as CURL" (see picture fig3)
- paste it in some text-editor, and copy the value after
-H 'cookie:
until the end of the line
- paste the value in a new file on this path "~/.tenbis_cli.txt"
- You are good to go!