Clone the repository from Github
git clone https://github.com/ubuntunet/eduroam_radius.git
Change into the newly created directory
cd eduroam_radius
Copy the inventory template
cp inventories/template inventories/<tld_institution>
Open your new inventory and replace
- FQDN or IP with the actual URL/IP of your server
<tld_institution> with your actual inventory file name
Copy the group_vars template
cp group_vars/template group_vars/<tld_institution>
Adopt the variables in group_vars/<tld_institution> to your liking
Copy the clients template, where you'll be adding the information about the clients that are connecting to your Radius server
cp group_vars/clients.yml.example group_vars/clients.yml
Create the secret.yml file that contains your sensitive information. Add your credentials.
cp group_vars/secrets.yml.example group_vars/secrets.yml
Run the playbook and make sure it finishes without error messages. Whenever you change something in the playbook, just replay this command.
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<tld_institution> eduroam_idp.yml
Open group_vars/clients.yml
Copy/Paste the client entry MyOtherAP
Change the name, IP address and shared secret
Re-run the playbook with the clients tag, which will only copy the clients.conf file making for a faster deployment
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<tld_institution> --tags "clients" eduroam_idp.yml
radtest [user] [password] localhost:[port (default is 1812)][nas-port-number(default 0)][shared_secret]
and check for an "Access-Accept" in the response.
Run radtest remotely if you have enabled the static test user
ansible radius -i inventories/<tld_institution> -a "radtest test mySecret localhost:1812 0 testing123"
Run the Freeradius service manually to see what is happening at the server side
Log into your machine
Stop the freeradius daemon
sudo service freeradius stop
Start it manually in debug mode
sudo freeradius -X
See also http://deployingradius.com/scripts/eapol_test
Enable eapol_test role in your group_vars file
play_eapol: True
Re-run playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventories/<tld_institution> eduroam_idp.yml
Log into the server
Have a look at the configuration test file in your home folder
vi ~/peap-mschapv2.conf
Run the test
eapol_test -c ~/peap-mschapv2.conf -s testing123