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Notifies if the balance of a bitcoin address changes. Supports addresses and Extended Pubkeys.


docker compose up --build

Then navigate to If you run the image by itself, it listens on 80 by default.

Prebuilt images are also available: You can also replace latest with a release version.


Set some environment variables before launching, or add a .env file.

Variable Value(s) Required
BTC_RPC_API (optional) The URL to an instance of BTC-RPC-Explorer. Default: No, but encouraged
CHECK_ALL_PUBKEY_TYPES Whether or not to check the other types of a given pubkey (xpub, ypub, zpub). Defaults to false No
CURRENCY Currency to display balance in (USD,GBP,EUR,XAU). Defaults to USD No
DISCORD_WEBHOOK The URL to a Discord Webhook to call when the balance changes Yes
LOG_LEVEL trace, debug, info, warn, error No
LOOKAHEAD How many addresses with no activity before we consider a pubkey to be completely scanned. Default: 20 No
PAGE_SIZE How many addresses to request at once for PubKey-type addresses. Default: 100 No
PORT What port to listen on. Default: 80 No
SLEEP_INTERVAL (optional) The amount of time, in seconds, between checking the balance. Default: 300 (5 minutes) No


Data is stored in either /db/addresses.sqlite or ./addresses.sqlite in the same directory as the executable. If running in Docker or Kubernetes, set up a volume at /db to persist data.