This is a new React Native project, an example app of the tyro-pay-api-react-native integration simulating a merchant checkout page, bootstrapped using @react-native-community/cli
Must have:
- Xcode
- Android Studio
- Ruby v3.0.0+ (use rbenv to manage ruby versions)
- react-native-cli (npm install react-native-cli)
Github Personal Access Token (PAT) is required to download the tyro sdk package @tyro/tyro-pay-api-react-native
Steps to setup the PAT:
- Navigate to GitHub page, Profile -> Settings -> Developer Settings
- On the left panel, select Personal Access Token -> Token(classic)
- Generate a new token with
permission - Configure the token: authorise it for organisation
- Store the new token as a environment variable:
install dependencies by running:
- npm run install:all
npm run android - for starting android emulator with debug build of example app
npm run android:release - for starting android emulator with release build of example app
npm run ios - for starting ios emulator with debug build of example app
npm run ios:release - for starting ios simulator with release build of example app
Install Maestro:
- curl -Ls "" | bash
- brew tap facebook/fb
- brew install facebook/fb/idb-companion Note: Xcode must be v14+