- 6fc87b8 - Update php-coveralls/php-coveralls (#114)
- 3acd3a0 - Fixes #112 Removes the clearQuery to allow limits etc in db:backup:list (#113)
- fccb83d - Update symfony/lock (#111)
- 2cf8dc9 - Update php-coveralls/php-coveralls (#110)
- 45a6799 - Update symfony/lock (#109)
- 8e99847 - Update consolidation/robo (#107)
- d8f19d3 - Update squizlabs/php_codesniffer (#103)
- b29ebc6 - Update symfony/lock (#104)
- 34d42be - Adds user agent string for Cli library. (#98)
- 789d29c - Update typhonius/acquia-php-sdk-v2 (#100)
- 08932ae - Update symfony/lock (#99)
- 0bfb634 - Update consolidation/robo (#94)
- d7a8272 - Update symfony/lock (#95)
- d965cf9 - Update typhonius/acquia-php-sdk-v2 (#93)
- fbde333 - Fixes the permissons tests from the with updates from the underlying library.
- adadf7f - Update consolidation/robo (#92)
- a300719 - Update symfony/lock (#81)
- 77a2154 - Adds a test for verbosity. (#89)
- a54389d - Readme changes based on a question in #90.
- c027b7e - Adds users to the notification list.
- bc0ed96 - Tests the ability to use the --realm option. (#88)
- 82d4f48 - Adds in the ability for users to directly configure their environment settings with AcquiaCli.
- 0ec4213 - Fixes #84 Adds notification UUID to the output. (#85)
- 1da4c05 - Adds in ability to enable/diable SSL certificates. (#83)
- 45c0eee - Update squizlabs/php_codesniffer (#78)