v1.1 release
Use 1 ESP to monitor up to 16 BMS using RS-485 internal network. (new JK-PBx)
Added 30 alarms
Added all Voltages.
Added a Dashboard for Home Assistant.
Added multiple alarm boolean sensors: BATTempSensor1Absent, BATTempSe…
…nsor2Absent, BATTempSensor3Absent, BATTempSensor4Absent, BATTempSensor5Absent, BatOVP, BatUVP, BatteryOverTemp, CPUAuxCommuErr, CellOVP, CellQuantity, CellUVP, ChOCP, ChOTP, ChSCP, ChUTP, ChargeMOS, CurSensorErr, DchOCP, DchOTP, DchSCP, DischargeMOS, DischargeOnFailed, GPSDisconneted, MOSTempSensorAbsent, ModifyPWDinTime, MosOTP, PLCModuleAnomaly, TemperatureSensorAnomaly, WireRes
difference between: "switch status" and "real working status". Useful for balancing, for example: balancer could be ON, but balancing can be on or off, depending on conditions...
All the switches are available for BLE and for RS-485.
Compatibility with JK-PB
Needed 1 only ESP to gather info of every BMS in the network (max. 16 BMSs). Tested OK with 1 master and 6 slaves.
Tested with hw v14 and hw v15. Tested in a mixture.
Bluetooth is free to connect with other device.
Changed the way that the sniffer manages serial RX buffer.
Corrected a bug that did not get the info from BMS master correctly.
Added more parameters to the gathering.
+bug corrected.