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GitHub Migration Scripts

MIT Licensed Powered by Modus_Create

Hey there! 👋 Welcome to our migration tools repository – your go-to toolkit for seamlessly transferring repos and metadata from GitHub Enterprise Server, Bitbucket, and more to GitHub Enterprise Cloud. 🌐✨ Whether you're switching platforms or consolidating your projects, our collection of utilities is here to make your migration journey smooth and stress-free.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo: git clone
  2. Navigate to the tools directory: cd gh-migration-scripts
  3. Run npm install -g
  4. Follow our detailed documentation for step-by-step instructions on using each tool.

Supported Features


Features GHES Bitbucket Server GitLab
1. Export repositories export-github-repos export-bitbucket-repositories export-gitlab-repositories
2. Export repositories members export-github-repo-direct-collaborators export-bitbucket-repo-direct-collaborators export-gitlab-repo-direct-collaborators
3. Export teams export-github-teams-and-permissions export-bitbucket-teams export-gitlab-teams
4. Export team members export-github-teams-and-permissions export-bitbucket-team-members export-gitlab-team-members
5. Export team repositories permission export-bitbucket-team-members export-bitbucket-repo-team-permissions export-gitlab-team-members
6. Export organization users export-github-org-users export-bitbucket-project-users
7. Export enterprise users export-github-enterprise-users export-bitbucket-enterprise-users export-gitlab-users
8. Export organization projects export-github-projects-v1 export-github-projects-v2
9. Check repositories last commits ghec-last-commit-check
10. Delete repositories delete-github-repos
11. Export outside collaborators export-github-outside-collaborators
12. Export List Of Github Actions In A Repo Todo
13. Export List Of Github Actions In An Org Todo
14. Export Branches Of A Repo Todo Todo Todo
15. Export Dependencies In A Repo Todo
16. Export Settings Of An Enterrpise Todo


Features GHEC
1. Import repository direct collaborators import-github-repo-collaborators
2. Import repository team permissions import-github-repo-team-permission
3. Import teams import-github-teams
4. Import team members import-github-team-members
5. Archive/unarchive repositories set-github-archived-status
6. Delete repositories delete-github-repos
7. Import organization memberships import-github-membership-in-org
8. Import organization projects import-github-projects-v2
9. Import repository on gh from bb import-github-repo-from-bitbucket

How it works


A. GitHub Enterprise Server - GHES

1. Export Github Repositories



Exports all repositories of a github organization

git-migrator export-github-repos


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -a or --allow-untrusted-ssl-certificates - Allow connections to a GitHub API endpoint that presents a SSL certificate that isn't issued by a trusted CA.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for GraphQL request.
  4. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will be the cloud instance.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. The default format is discussed below. Default file name is <organization>-metrics/<organization>-repo-metrics-<date>-<target>.csv. date - Format is DD/MM/YYYY - The date is when the file is created target - ghes or ghec
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  8. -u or --users-file - File with user names so only those users will be considered. Should have the column name login.
  9. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input is required.

2. Export Github Direct Repository collaborators

Repo team permissions will be exported in the first step.


Exports the direct collaborators of repositories in a github organization.


git-migrator export-github-repo-direct-collaborators


  1. -f or --input-file - Input file with repository names.
  2. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  3. c or --outside-collaborators-file - Outside collaborators files to filter out the result. The api for repository directory collaborators returns outside collaborators as well. The CSV file should have a column with the name login.
  4. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-repo-direct-collaborators-<timestamp>.csv.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  8. -u or --users-file - File with user names so only those users will be considered. Should have the column name login.
  9. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.




Repositories direct collaborators role file (-y | --output-file)

repo login role
test-repo test-user admin

Status file

repo status statusText errorMessage
test-repo Success

3a. Export Github Teams In An Organization

3b. Export Github Team Members

3c. Export Github Repository Team Permission

All the above 3 actions are done by the below export-github-teams-and-permissions script.


Exports all teams of an organization along with team memberships and repo team permissions.


git-migrator export-github-teams-and-permissions


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -a or --allow-untrusted-ssl-certificates - Allow connections to a GitHub API endpoint that presents a SSL certificate that isn't issued by a trusted CA.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for GraphQL request.
  4. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will be the cloud instance.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. The default format is discussed below. The default file name is applicable only for the team metrics file.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  8. -u or --users-file - File with user names so only those users will be considered. Should have the column name login.
  9. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input is required.


Three files are created as part of this operation.

a. Teams metrics - Contains the teams info.


name id slug combinedSlug description privacy url repositories repositoriesCount childTeams members membersCount parentTeam parentTeamId repositoriesUrl repositoriesResourcePath resourcePath createdAt updatedAt
Sample Team 123 sample-team org/sample-team Desc closed repo-name:permission 1 null abc:[email protected]:role 1 parent-team-slug 2 /orgs/org/teams/owners/repositories /orgs/org/teams/owners 2018-11-02T21:22:15Z 2018-11-02T21:22:15Z

Default file name is <organization>-metrics/<organization>-team-metrics-<date>-<target>.csv. date - Format is DD/MM/YYYY - The date is when the file is created target - ghes or ghec

b. Team members - File with members' roles of each team.


member team role
abc-user sample-team maintainer

Default file name is <organization>-metrics/<organization>-member-team-role-<date>-<target>.csv. date - Format is DD/MM/YYYY - The date is when the file is created target - ghes or ghec If a custom output file name is given, the team members file name will be <custom-output-file>-member-team-role-<date>-<target>.csv

c. Team repositories - File with repository permissions of each team.


repo team permission
sample-repo sample-team write

Default file name is <organization>-metrics/<organization>-repo-team-permission-<date>-<target>.csv. date - Format is DD/MM/YYYY - The date is when the file is created target - ghes or ghec If a custom output file name is given, the team repos file name will be <custom-output-file>-repo-team-permission-<date>-<target>.csv.

4. Export Github Enterprise Users


Exports all users from all github organizations on the enterprise server.


git-migrator export-github-enterprise-users


  1. -a or --allow-untrusted-ssl-certificates - Allow connections to a GitHub API endpoint that presents a SSL certificate that isn't issued by a trusted CA.
  2. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for GraphQL request.
  3. -e or --enterprise-organizations - List of organizations on the enterprise. Organization names should be given space separated. E.g -e org1 org2 org3.
  4. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is enterprise-users-<timestamp>.csv.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -u or --users-file - File with user names so only those users will be considered. Should have the column name login.
  8. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input file is required



5. Export Github Organization Users


Exports users details in an organization.


git-migrator export-github-org-users


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -a or --allow-untrusted-ssl-certificates - Allow connections to a GitHub API endpoint that presents a SSL certificate that isn't issued by a trusted CA.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for GraphQL request.
  4. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-metrics/<organization>-user-metrics-13-11-2023-ghes.csv. If the target is GHEC, then the end part of the file will be 'ghec' instead of 'ghes'. Moreover, the date part in the output file is DD/MM/YYYY.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -u or --users-file - File with user names so only those users will be considered. Should have the column name login.
  8. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input file is required


login name email role hasTwoFactorEnabled id avatarUrl url websiteUrl isSiteAdmin isViewer projectsUrl projectsResourcePath createdAt updatedAt
sample-login Sample Login sample-login@email admin true 123 false false /orgs/org/teams/owners/projects 2018-11-02T21:22:15Z 2018-11-02T21:22:15Z

6. Export Github Projects V1


Exports all V1 projects of a github organization.


git-migrator export-github-projects-v1


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -a or --allow-untrusted-ssl-certificates - Allow connections to a GitHub API endpoint that presents a SSL certificate that isn't issued by a trusted CA.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for GraphQL request.
  4. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-metrics/<organization>-projects-v2-ghes-<date-time>.csv. If the target is GHEC, then the end part of the file will be 'ghec' instead of 'ghes'.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input file is required


Output is a JSON file with projects info.

7. Export Github Projects V2


Exports all V2 projects of a igthub organization.


git-migrator export-github-projects-v2


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -a or --allow-untrusted-ssl-certificates - Allow connections to a GitHub API endpoint that presents a SSL certificate that isn't issued by a trusted CA.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for GraphQL request.
  4. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-metrics/<organization>-projects-v2-ghes-<date-time>.csv. If the target is GHEC, then the end part of the file will be 'ghec' instead of 'ghes'.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input file is required


Output is a JSON file with projects info.

8. Import Github Projects V2


Creates V2 projects in an organization.


git-migrator import-github-projects-v2


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -f or --input-file - Input file with projects v2 info.
  3. -a or --allow-untrusted-ssl-certificates - Allow connections to a GitHub API endpoint that presents a SSL certificate that isn't issued by a trusted CA.
  4. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for GraphQL request.
  5. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  6. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-metrics/<organization>-create-projects-v2-ghes-<date-time>.csv. If the target is GHEC, then the end part of the file will be 'ghec' instead of 'ghes'.
  7. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  8. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input file is required


Output is a JSON file with projects info.

9. Import github Repo from bitbucket


Imports repositories on GitHub from Bitbucket.


git-migrator import-github-repo-from-bitbucket


  1. -f or --input-file - Input file name with repo, team & permission info.
  2. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  3. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-set-repo-team-permission-status-<timestamp>.csv. This output file logs the successful teams permissions added to repositories.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -r or --repos-file - File with repos names so only those repos will be considered. Should have the column repos.
  7. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  8. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


git-migrator import-github-repo-from-bitbucket -f user-bitbucket-repo-9:19:2024-8:31:59-AM.csv

Note: Input the .csv file generated in the previous git-migrator export-bitbucket-repos -o org --server-url command.

B. Bitbucket

1. Export Bitbucket Repo Team Permissions


Exports team permissions of all repositories of a bitbucket project.


git-migrator export-bitbucket-repo-team-permissions


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -f or --input-file - Input file name with repo name.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  4. -g or --server-url - The bitbucket server URL.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-bitbucket-repo-teams-permissions-<date-time>.csv.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.




repo team permission
sample-repo sample-team write

2. Export Bitbucket Repositories


Exports all repositories of a bitbucket organization (workspace).


git-migrator export-bitbucket-repos


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  3. -g or --server-url - The bitbucket server URL.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-bitbucket-repo-<date-time>.csv.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input is required



3. Export Bitbucket Repo Direct Collaborators


Exports users permissions of all repositories of a bitbucket organization (workspace).


git-migrator export-bitbucket-repo-direct-collaborators


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -f or --input-file - Input file name with repo names.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  4. -g or --server-url - The bitbucket server URL.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-bitbucket-repo-direct-collaborators-<date-time>.csv.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.




repo login role
sample-repo test-user write

4. Export Bitbucket Teams


Exports all teams of a Bitbucket project.


git-migrator export-bitbucket-teams


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  3. -g or --server-url - The bitbucket server URL.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-bitbucket-teams-<date-time>.csv.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input is required.


name slug privacy description parentTeam
Sample Team sample-team closed sample team desc parent-team

5. Export Bitbucket Team Members


Exports team members of a bitbucket project.


git-migrator export-bitbucket-team-members


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -f or --input-file - Input file name with team names.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  4. -g or --server-url - The bitbucket server URL.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-bitbucket-team-members-<date-time>.csv.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.




member team role
test-user team-1 admin

6. Export Bitbucket Project Users


Exports users of a bitbucket project.


git-migrator export-bitbucket-project-users


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  3. -g or --server-url - The bitbucket server URL.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-bitbucket-organization-users-<date-time>.csv.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input is required



7. Export Bitbucket Enterprise Users


Exports users of a bitbucket enterprise.


git-migrator export-bitbucket-enterprise-users


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  3. -g or --server-url - The bitbucket server URL.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-bitbucket-enterprise-users-<date-time>.csv.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input is required



C. GitLab

1. Export GitLab Repositories


Exports all repositories of a Gitlab organization.


git-migrator export-gitlab-repositories


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -f or --input-file - Input file name with repo name.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  4. -g or --server-url - The gitlab server URL.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-gitlab-repos-<date-time>.csv.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input is required


name repo group id isArchived visibility
abc/repo-name repo-name sample-group 123 false private

2. Export GitLab Repo Direct Collaborators


Exports direct collaborators of all repositories of a Gitlab organization.


git-migrator export-gitlab-repo-direct-collaborators


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -f or --input-file - Input file name with repo names.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  4. -g or --server-url - The gitlab server URL.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-gitlab-repo-direct-collaborators-<date-time>.csv.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.




repo login role
sample-repo test-user write

3. Export GitLab Teams


Exports all teams of a gitlab organization.


git-migrator export-gitlab-teams


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  3. -g or --server-url - The gitlab server URL.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-gitlab-teams-<date-time>.csv.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input is required.


name slug privacy description parentTeam
Sample Team sample-team closed sample team desc parent-team

4. Export GitLab Team Members


Exports team members of a gitlab organization.


git-migrator export-gitlab-team-members


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -f or --input-file - Input file name with team names.
  3. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  4. -g or --server-url - The gitlab server URL.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-gitlab-team-members-<date-time>.csv.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.




member team role
test-user team-1 admin

5. Export GitLab Users


Exports users of a gitlab organization.


git-migrator export-gitlab-users


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for requests.
  3. -g or --server-url - The gitlab server URL.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-gitlab-users-<date-time>.csv.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input is required




A. GitHub Enterprise Cloud - GHEC

1. Import Members To The Organization


Adds or removes members from a github organization.


git-migrator import-github-membership-in-org


  1. -f or --input-file - Input file name with member name.
  2. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  3. -d or --delete-member - Boolean flag. If set then it will remove the members from the organization.
  4. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-set-membership-in-org-status-<timestamp>.csv. The output files logs the successfully deleted organization members.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  8. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.




login status statusText errorMessage
example-user Success

2. Import Github teams


Imports teams to a github organization.


git-migrator import-github-teams


  1. -f or --input-file - Input file name with teams info.
  2. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  3. -z or --github-user - GitHub username who is performing the operation, to delete the user after the team is created, because by default when a team is created, the user who created it will be added to the team.
  4. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  5. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-create-teams-status-<timestamp>.csv. The output file logs the names of the successfully migrated team names.
  6. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  7. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  8. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


name id slug combinedSlug description privacy url repositories repositoriesCount childTeams members membersCount parentTeam parentTeamId repositoriesUrl repositoriesResourcePath resourcePath createdAt updatedAt
Sample Team 123 sample-team org/sample-team Desc closed repo-name:permission 1 null abc:[email protected]:role 1 parent-team-slug 2 /orgs/org/teams/owners/repositories /orgs/org/teams/owners 2018-11-02T21:22:15Z 2018-11-02T21:22:15Z

Required fields in the input CSV file are:

  1. name
  2. description
  3. privacy
  4. parentTeam - Slug of the parent team
  5. slug


team status statusText errorMessage
team a Success
team b Success

3. Import Members To Github Teams


Imports members to teams with the specified roles.


git-migrator import-github-team-members


  1. -f or --input-file - Input file name with teams, member, and roles.
  2. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  3. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-insert-team-members-status-<timestamp>.csv. The output files logs the successfully inserted teams members.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  7. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


member team role
example-user sample-team MEMBER

To migrate the team members from GHES to GHEC, use the team members output file of get-teams operation.

4. Import Github Repo direct collaborators


Adds or removes direct collaborators of repositories in an organization.


git-migrator import-github-repo-collaborators


  1. -f or --input-file - Input file name with repo, collaborators & roles info.
  2. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  3. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-set-repo-collaborators-status-<timestamp>.csv. This output file logs the successful collaborators requests to repositories.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -r or --repos-file - File with repos names so only those repos will be considered. Should have the column repos.
  7. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  8. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


repo login role
abc-repo sample-user admin


repo login role status statusText errorMessage
abc-repo sample-user admin Success

5. Import github Repo Team Permission


Imports teams with permissions to the repositories in an organization.


git-migrator import-github-repo-team-permission


  1. -f or --input-file - Input file name with repo, team & permission info.
  2. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  3. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-set-repo-team-permission-status-<timestamp>.csv. This output file logs the successful teams permissions added to repositories.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -r or --repos-file - File with repos names so only those repos will be considered. Should have the column repos.
  7. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  8. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


repo team permission
abc-repo sample-team write



1. Compare Teams


Compares team metrics for GHES and GHEC for an organization.


git-migrator compare-teams -c <ghec-file> -s <ghes-file>


  1. -c or --ghec-file - GHEC team metrics file.
  2. -s or --ghes-file - GHES team metrics file.
  3. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. Default file names are discussed on the output section.
  5. -u or --users-file - File with user names so only those users will be considered. Should have the column name login.


name id slug combinedSlug description privacy url repositories repositoriesCount childTeams members membersCount parentTeam parentTeamId repositoriesUrl repositoriesResourcePath resourcePath createdAt updatedAt
Sample Team 123 sample-team org/sample-team Desc closed repo-name:permission 1 null abc:[email protected]:role 1 parent-team-slug 2 /orgs/org/teams/owners/repositories /orgs/org/teams/owners 2018-11-02T21:22:15Z 2018-11-02T21:22:15Z


Three files are generated as output files

a. Comparison file - Report of comparison of teams, members and repositories. Output file arguments overrides only this file.

Default file name - <organization>-teams-comparison.csv


team issue repo member
test-team repositories-count-mismatch

b. Repo permission file - File with repositories teams permission mismatch that can be used as input to add repositories team permission.

Default file name - <organization>-repo-team-permission-input.csv


repo team permission
test-repo test-team admin

c. Member role file - File with members missing in teams as well as wrong permissions. It can be used to fix the mismatches as input for insert-team-members script.

Default file name - <organization>-member-team-role-input.csv


member team role
abc test-team write

2. Compare Repository Direct Collaborators


Compares repo direct collaborators between GHES and GHEC in an organization.


git-migrator compare-repo-direct-collaborators -c <ghec-file> -s <ghes-file>


  1. -c or --ghec-file - GHEC repo direct collaborators file.
  2. -s or --ghes-file - GHES repo direct collaborators file.
  3. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  4. -u or --users-file - File with user names so only those users will be considered. Should have the column name login.
  5. z or --outside-collaborators-file - File with outside collaborators names to not be included.


repo login role
test-repo abc admin


Two files are generated as output files.

a. Direct collaborators input file - File with direct collaborators that need to be added to GHEC after comparison.

Default file name - <organization>-repo-direct-collaborators-input.csv


repo login role
test-repo abc admin

b. Direct collaborators remove file - File with input to remove collaborators permission. The collaborators permission might be outdated, so it is necessary to those permissions.

Default file name - <organization>-repo-direct-collaborators-remove.csv


repo login
test-repo xyz

3. Check last commit



Compares the last commits of all branches of every repositories between source and target organizations

git-migrator ghec-last-commit-check -p <ghec-organization> -q <source-organization> -h <source token> -t <target-token> -g <server-url>


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -f or --input-file - Input file name with teams, member, and roles.
  3. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will be the cloud instance.
  4. p or --source-organization - Source organization name.
  5. q or --target-organization - Target (GHEC) organization name
  6. -b or --batch-size - Batch size for GraphQL request.
  7. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. The default format is discussed below. Default file name is <organization>-metrics/<source-organization>-<target-organization>-last-commit-check-<date>.csv. date - Format is DD/MM/YYYY
  8. -t or --token - Personal access token of the target organization- If not provided, then the user wil be prompted to input the token.
  9. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  10. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


Input is optional, a CSV file with header repo.



1. set-github-archived-status

Archive or unarchive repositories in a github organization.


git-migrator set-github-archived-status


  1. -f or --input-file - Input file name with repo, team & permission info.
  2. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  3. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-set-archived-status-<timestamp>.csv. This output file logs the successful requests.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  7. -u or --unarchive - Boolean value, if set it will unarchive archived repos, if not set it will archive repos.
  8. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.




repo status statusText errorMessage
abc-repo Success

2. delete-github-repos

Delete repositories in an organization.


git-migrator delete-github-repos


  1. -f or --input-file - Input file name with repository names to delete.
  2. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  3. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  4. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-delete-repos-status-<timestamp>.csv. This output file logs the successful repositories deleted from the organization.
  5. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  6. -s or --skip - Number of lines to skip in the input file. Default is set to 0.
  7. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.




repo status statusText errorMessage
abc-repo Success

3. export-github-outside-collaborators

Exports outside collaborators of an organization.


git-migrator export-github-outside-collaborators


  1. -o or --organization - Organization name.
  2. -g or --server-url - The target GHES server endpoint url. If this argument is skipped then the target will the cloud instance.
  3. -y or --output-file - Output file to save the operation results. If not provided, the default file the results saved is <organization>-outside-collaborators-<timestamp>.csv.
  4. -t or --token - Personal access token.
  5. -u or --users-file - File with user names so only those users will be considered. Should have the column name login.
  6. -w or --wait-time - Delay time (in seconds) to wait between requests. Default value is 1 second.


No input file is required



4. Set Secret Variables

Fetches secret variables from source repo and sets the corresponding secret variables in the target repo.


./ -i [input_csv] [-s [source_token]] [-t [destination_token]] [-z [override_destination_org]] [-y [override_destination_repo_prefix]] [-a [ghes_hostname]] [-l [log_file]]


  1. -i - input_csv - A CSV with source_org,source_repo,destination_org,destination_repo.
  2. -s - source_token - Source system token (optional, if not provided, GH_SRC_PAT environment variable will be used).
  3. -t - destination_token - Destination system token (optional, if not provided, GH_DEST_PAT environment variable will be used).
  4. -z - override_destination_org - Override destination org with this value (optional, useful for testing).
  5. -y - override_destination_repo_prefix - Prepend prefix to destination repo names (optional, useful for testing).
  6. -a - ghes_hostname - GHES hostname (not API URL, optional, required for GHES).
  7. l - log_file - Log file path (optional, default: migrate_secrets.log).

5. Check Migration Logs

Checks the downloaded migration log files to see which ones completed successfully and how long the migration took.


./ [-d [directory]] [-l [log_file]]


  1. d - directory - The directory where the migration log files are located. If no directory is provided, it checks the current working directory for the log files.
  2. l - log_file - Log file path (optional, default: check_migrations.log).

5. Find Log Errors

Examines a directory containing all the log files after starting migrations with the GEI tool, and finds which ones failed with errors.


./ [-d [directory]] [-l [log_file]]


  1. d - directory - The directory where the migration log files are located. If no directory is provided, it checks the current working directory for the log files.
  2. l - log_file - Log file path (optional, default: find_log_errors.log).

6. Compare Migrations

This script compares migration data between source and destination GitHub organizations based on provided input, downloading necessary data files, and generating a CSV report indicating match status along with signatures of repositories.


./ -i [input_csv] -o [output_csv] -s [source_token] -t [destination_token] -a [source_api_graphql_url] [-p [path_to_analyzer]] [-w [working_directory]] [-z [override_destination_org]] [-y [override_destination_repo_prefix]] [-l [log_file]]


  1. -i - input_csv - A CSV with source_org,source_repo,destination_org,destination_repo.
  2. -o - output_csv - A CSV file with match,source_org,source_repo,source_signature,target_org,target_repo,target_signature.
  3. -s - source_token - Source system token (optional, if not provided, GH_SRC_PAT environment variable will be used).
  4. -t - destination_token - Destination system token (optional, if not provided, GH_DEST_PAT environment variable will be used).
  5. -z - override_destination_org - Override destination org with this value (optional, useful for testing).
  6. -y - override_destination_repo_prefix - Prepend prefix to destination repo names (optional, useful for testing).
  7. -a - source_api_graphql_url - Source system API GRAPHQL URL (optional, required for GHES).
  8. -p - path_to_analyzer - Path to the GitHub migration analyzer (optional, default: ./gh-migration-analyzer).
  9. w - working_directory - Working directory (optional, uses a new temporary directory if not specified).
  10. l - log_file - Log file path (optional, default: compare_migrations.log).


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Modus Create

Modus Create is a digital product consultancy. We use a distributed team of the best talent in the world to offer a full suite of digital product design-build services; ranging from consumer facing apps, to digital migration, to agile development training, and business transformation.


This project is MIT licensed.


Repository to house scripts to help with GH migration projects



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