Parallelized ChemTS for the design of molecules that absorb light at long wavelengths. Original ChemTS is available here (
This program includes an extented version of ChemTS that is parallelizaed by MPI and a filter for Gaussian ( to compute absorption wavelength of a molecule. The Gaussian filter automatically computes the optimized singlet ground (S0) state and vertical singlet excited (S1) state of a molecule at the density functional theory level.
- Gaussian==16
- Python>=2.7
- Keras (version 2.0.5) If you installed the newest version of keras, some errors will show up. Please change it back to keras 2.0.5 by pip install keras==2.0.5.
- RDKit
- Intel MPI environment
The main python script is ALW_ChemTS/
Paralleled search is performed based on Intel MPI environment using ALW_ChemTS/
- cd alw_chemts
- qsub job_sub
Please setup your MPI and python environment, in ALW_ChemTS/
We used 153,253 molecules that contain only H, O, N, and C elements obtained from the ZINC database for trainig of the RNN network. The file is located at ALW_ChemTS/data/.
We trained a RNN network using the above SMILES dataset. The trained network files are located at ALW_ChemTS/RNN_model/.
The generated 45,321 molecules are listed in the ALW_ChemTS/generated_mols/result.csv file. The file contains following information: generated molecules (SMILES), calculated absorption wavelengths and their oscillator strengths, and basic information such as molecular weight.
This package is distributed under the MIT License.