This boiler-plate is handy to quickly test a game/demo/vfx idea.
Load it in your page before your script or require it from a commonjs module, instanciate a boilerplate object and call the init method on it with an object that describes your demo :
var boilerplate = new CanvasBoilerplate();
propertyName: value
propertyName: value
propertyName: value
The object you pass to the init method can contain any method that you wish, in addition to the following properties :
canvas canvas element (required)
The canvas DOM element for your main viewport. For example :
canvas: document.getElementById('my-canvas')
(defaults to 60)
The framerate you want your demo to run at
(defaults to 1024)
The width of the main viewport
(defaults to 768)
The height of the main viewport
Dictionary associating image names to image urls that should be loaded before starting the demo. For example :
image1: 'http://url/to/image1.png',
image2: 'http://url/to/image2.png'
These images will then be accessed as Image objects with :
resetState: function()
Called at the begining of the demo
keydown: function(event)
Called whenever the keydown event is fired on the viewport
keyup: function(event)
Called whenever the keyup event is fired on the viewport
update: function()
Called before rendering to update your simulation
draw: function()
The rendering function for your demo
pointer events
- down-left
- down-middle
- down-right
- up-left
- up-middle
- up-right
- up
- down
- drag-left
- drag-middle
- drag-right