This module provides easy access to the AppFog services and application environment information from within a running app instance.
npm install appfog-env
var appfog = require('appfog-env');
Application name.
Port number assigned to the app instance.
var server = http.createServer(app).listen(appfog.port || 3000);
Zero-based instance index for the current instance. This might be useful when logging or running tasks from only the first instance.
Services bound to the app instance.
Get the first service bound to the app:
var creds =[0].credentials
Parsed from process.env.VCAP_APPLICATION
Parsed from process.env.VCAP_SERVICES
Returns the vcap service info for a specified service. Returns null if no override credentials are provide or the service is not found.
name - Name string or regex used to find the service.
overrideCreds - If provided the method returns automatically with the overrides without looking for the service.
Get service by name or exit if not found:
var service = appfog.getService('mysql-db-name') || process.exit 1
var creds = service.credentials
var client = mysql.createConnection({
host: creds.hostname || 'localhost',
user: creds.username,
password: creds.password,
port: creds.port || 3306
Override with a local development database:
Set a local environment variable with the override credentials:
export DEV_DATABASE='{ "username": "root", "name": "dev-db-name" }'
Then in code:
var service = appfog.getService('mysql-db-name', process.env.DEV_DATABASE);