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CGI Microservice

##Getting Started Guide ###Please follow on with the following steps to get up and running with the project

  1. Clone this repository. If you are on linux and don't want to use vagrant, you can skip steps from 2 to 4 by running the script in but replace any occurance of /vagrant with the location of your repository and replace the linux version name in the docker.list file with your linux distribution name
  2. Download and install Virtualbox, Vagrant, and Git
  3. Open the git bash as an administrator and navigate into the directory of the repository you just cloned and run vagrant up. This will initiatiza a virtual machine with 3 built in docker containers named "mongod", "redis" and "cgidev".Note: In case Windows showed a Security Alert to ask your permission to enable VirtualBox to communicate on Private and Public networks, Please click the checkboxes to allow access to both networks.
  • Note#1: if you get this message The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it to boot. Valid states are 'starting, running'. The machine is in the 'unknown' state. Please verify everything is configured properly and try again., go to the vargrantfile and uncomment/add the following lines:
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
  vb.gui = true
  • Note#2: if you get this message ==> default: Killed ==> default: The command '/bin/sh -c npm install -g [email protected]' returned a non-zero code: 137 run vagrant destroy and then either follow the instructions here or go to the vargrantfile and uncomment/add the following lines:
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.memory = "1024"
  1. Run vagrant ssh to log into the virutal machine
  2. Run sudo docker start mongod and sudo docker start redis and sudo docker run --network=app-net --ip="" -t -i --name cgidev -p 1337:1337 -v /vagrant:/vagrant cgidev /bin/bash to log into the docker container. If you are not using vagrant then you must remove -v /vagrant:/vagrant from the last command and replace it with -v /location-to-your-cgi-repo:/vagrant
  3. Now, do either of the following:
  4. If your host operating system is linux or OSX: run npm install
  5. If your host operating system is windows 10 with the Anniversary Update, follow the instructions here NOTE: The value has moved from NTFS directly into Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Filesystem in the RTM version of the Version 1607 and it is called "Enable Win32 long paths" , then run npm install
  6. If your host operating system is windows 7, 8, or 10 prior to the Anniversary Update
    1. open command prompt as Administrator and run this command fsutil behavior set SymlinkEvaluation L2L:1 R2R:1 L2R:1 R2L:1 2. mkdir -p /var/tmp/app/node_modules
    3. cd /vagrant/app/
    4. mkdir node_modules 5. cp package.json /var/tmp/app/
    6. npm install --prefix /var/tmp/app
    7. After the installation is done and complete, you will need to create symbolic links under the node_modules folder in our project, by running the following command
    for i in `ls /var/tmp/app/node_modules`; do ln -sf /var/tmp/app/node_modules/$i/ /vagrant/app/node_modules/; done
  7. Now that you are within the docker container & installed the npm modules, run the following commands
    apt-get update
    apt-get -y upgrade
  8. Next time you go into vagrant ssh and want to start the containers run sudo docker start mongod, sudo docker start redis, and then run sudo docker start -a -i cgidev


  • Note#1: While running npm install, if you face this error: npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, chmod while running npm install, run the following two commands:
    1. npm install -g node-pre-gyp
    2. npm install --no-bin-links or in case of windows 7, 8, 10 (without Anniversary Update) npm install --no-bin-links --prefix /var/tmp/app
    3. If you get an error stating "npm ERR! Maximum call stack size exceeded", just keep repeating npm install --no-bin-links until all dependencies are installed. (it usually works after only one repetition of npm install)
  • Note#2: While running npm install, if you find an error with the words KILLED & .staging written in it
    1. Close the vagrant machine (by typing exit then vagrant halt)
    2. Open VirtualBox
    3. Select the machine that was installed by vagrant
    4. Click on Settings icon then choose System and increase the base memory to 1024 or more
    5. Go back to git bash (running as administrator) and run vagrant up then vagrant ssh then sudo docker start -a -i cgidev then rerun npm install
  • Note#3: If you run "sudo docker start -a -i cgidev" and get this error: "Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: no such file or directory", just restart the vagrant machine by typing exit then vagrant halt then vagrant up then vagrant ssh
  • Note#4: while running vagrant up if you get this message default: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying..., open to the vagrantfile and uncomment the line: vb.gui = true
  • Note#5: If you try to start a container adn got some error like this: "An error occurred trying to connect: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/containers/mongod/start: read unix @->/var/run/docker.sock: read: connection reset by peer", then run sudo apt-get install -y linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) & sudo apt-get install -y linux-image-extra-virtual & sudo service docker start