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Topics and file name

  1. Dart = main2
  2. variable , class = main3
  3. var , dynamic = main4
  4. function = main5
  5. list in dart = main6
  6. map = main7
  7. final and const = main8
  8. if,else-if, else / Nested / ternary condition = main9
  9. loop ,for , while , do-while = main10
  10. container widget = main11
  11. center widget = main12
  12. text widget and its style = main12
  13. type button = main13 , main14 , main15
  14. add image in app = main16
  15. columns and rows = main17 , main18
  16. inkwell = main19
  17. scrollview widgets = main20, main21
  18. listview and its components = main22 , main23 , main24
  19. BoxDecoration = main25, main26, main27, main28, main29
  20. Expanded = main30 , main31, main32
  21. Padding and Margin = main33 , main34 , main35
  22. List file in ListView = main36
  23. Circle Avatar = main37, main38 , main39 , main40
  24. custom fontover text = main41
  25. flutter style and themes = main42 ,main43
  26. card widget = main44
  27. Text Input Widget(TextField) = main45
  28. Current date and time = main46
  29. Format a Date = main47
  30. Showing a Date Picker and Date Time Picker = main48
  31. Grid View = main49 , main50 , main51 , main52 , main53
  32. Callback funtion = main54
  33. Splitting the APP INTO WIDGETS = main55, main56
  34. Stack widget = main57 , main58
  35. Creaing a new custom widget = main59
  36. Concept of wrap = main60
  37. What is sizedBox widget = main61 , main62 , main63 , main64
  38. Rich Text Widget = main65 , main66
  39. Icon Widget = main67
  40. FontAwesome Icons = main68
  41. Positioned Widget = main69 , main70(stateless , statefulwidget)
  42. Updating Correctly with stateful widget = main71
  43. ConstraintBox = main72, main73
  44. Switching one Screen to anothter screen = main74
  45. create a splash screen = main75
  46. Passing data from one to another screen = main76
  47. How to add flutter Range Slider = main77
  48. How to Build BMI App = main78
  49. Animated Containes = main79
  50. Animated Opaciy widget = main80
  51. Animate Cross Fade widget = main81
  52. Hero Animated widget = main82
  53. ListWheel ScrollView Widget = main83 ,main84
  54. ClipRRect Widget = main85
  55. Gradient = main86 , main87
  56. Mapping List to Widget = main88 , main89
  57. Tween Animation = main90
  58. Ripple Animation Effects = main91
  59. Store and Retrieve data = main92
  60. shared Preference login = main93


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