Replace Path_to vmrun.exe depend on where VMware Workstation was installed:
set vmrun="Path_to vmrun.exe
usage: vmwareauto.bat [/Option] [PARAMETERS]
/h show this help message and exit
/startvm [path to vmx file]
start a VM (default: none)
/suspendvm [all | {path to vmx file}]
suspend all VMs are running or specify VM
/snapshotvm [all | {path to vmx file}]
snapshot all VMs are running or specify VM
/revertToSnapshotvm [all | {path to vmx file}]
revertToSnapshot with name all VMs are running or specify VM and start
/deleteSnapshotvm [all | {path to vmx file}]
deleteSnapshot with name all on VMs are running or specify VM and start
Starting a virtual machine with Workstation on a Windows host:
$ vmwareauto.bat /startvm D:\vmware\win7.vmx
Creating a snapshot of all virtual machine are running with Workstation on a Windows host:
$ vmwareauto.bat /suspendvm all