Simple TCP over Websocket tunneling
Some crappy networks only allow HTTP(S). This small program allows you to tunnel anything in HTTP(S).
Note that the URL path is always /
, the server does not support SSL/TLS out of
the box and there is one remote TCP address per instance. This is done on
purpose as this program is intended to be run behind a reverse proxy.
Having a working Golang environment:
go install
The server listens for Websocket inbound connections. Each time a client is connected, the server opens a new TCP connection to the remote service.
Example: ssh to github
# on server
tcp-over-websocket server -listen_ws :8080 -remote_tcp
The client opens a TCP connection and creates a Websocket connection toward a tcp-over-websocket server each time a TCP connection is accepted.
Example: open a tunnel to the server
# on the client, target the previous server on
tcp-over-websocket client -listen_tcp :1234 -remote_ws ws://
To use the tunnel, one may only run ssh -p 1234
on the client.
tcp-over-websocket does not support SSL/TLS on server side. To be able to host a website and several tunnel servers at the same place, one may configure an HTTP reverse proxy.
Let's assume we want to serve the previous server on SSL/TLS on the URL
Using a similar configuration, one NGINX instance may be the reverse proxy for several tunnels for different services by changing the URL.
NGINX configuration extract:
http {
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
server {
listen 443 ssl default_server;
listen [::]:443 default_server ipv6only=on ssl;
// put here the SSL/TLS configuration
location = /github-ssh/ {
limit_except GET {
deny all;
// for "tcp-over-websocket server-listen_ws -remote_tcp"
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
// TODO configure different locations to different instances of tcp-over-websocket
To connect from the client, the command is like this:
tcp-over-websocket client -listen_tcp :1234 -remote_ws wss://
The tcp-over-websocket server hosts a Prometheus service. It only exposes some basic metrics.