This is waktu solat telegram bot, It will tell about waktu in kluang, pontion only
To run in your computer, you need to install python 3 also a pip3
(latest python 3.7.4)
You can download here Python and install it
I give link how to Install pip on windows --> Toturial
pip requirement
pip install request
(request 2019.4.13)pip install beautifulsoup4
(beautifulsoup4 4.8.1)pip install lxml
(lxml 4.4.1)pip install python-telegram-bot
(python-telegram-bot 12.1.1)
You can create bot using botfather and generate API --> Channel Bot Father
This is Document about Telegram bots
updater = Updater("TOKEN", use_context=True)
Delete TOKEN and change to your API telegram bot
To Start just type
You can stop the program by ctrl+c