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leaflet.extras2 1.2.0

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@trafficonese trafficonese released this 10 May 19:42
  • Included Arrowheads plugin
  • Included Leaflet.Sync plugin
  • Included Leaflet MovingMarkers plugin
  • Included Leaflet Spin plugin. Thanks to @radbasa
  • Included Labelgun plugin.
  • addTimeslider gained styling options and the arguments label, labelOptions, sameDate and ordertime and works for Point / Linestring Simple Feature Collections
  • Enable multiple sidebars. Thanks to @jeffreyhanson
  • Option fit removed for sidebars as plugin CSS/JS was adapted
  • Deprecated menuItem/mapmenuItems/markermenuItems and renamed with prefix context_. Fixes #10 and #17
  • Some improvement for the easyprint plugin: (Fixes #31)
    • It is now possible to include multiple custom sizeModes in easyprintOptions. The example easyprint_app.R has been extended to demonstrate the new functionalities.
    • The tileLayer option now accepts a group name for a tilelayer for which printing will wait until the layer is fully loaded.
  • The addPlayback is now capable of displaying labels and popups for every timestep. The transition of labels and popups can be controlled with transitionpopup and transitionlabel.
  • The function addHistory now requires the fontawesome package, since the dependency is not included in shiny's shared directory anymore.
  • The function addWMS gained the argument checkempty, which will check the returning HTML-body tag. If the body is empty, no popup is opened.
  • The function addMovingMarker now accepts icons created by makeAwesomeIcon.