This is a solution to the Co.Lab Software Development Assessment from Co.Lab gives people from all walks of life real-world, practical experience to confidently break into (and thrive within) the tech industry. They want to spark action, enable folks learn by doing, and celebrate achievements as a true collective.
Project Description: The objective of this project is to Create and deploy a simple web application that follows the following requirements:
- Your web app must include a short bio about you and your professional history.
- Your web app should display a few of your side projects or professional projects and should include a link to access the projects.
- Your web app should make an API call to display 3-5 pieces of data you retrieve from the API service. You are welcome to choose whatever API you’d like to use.
- Include a section to explain why you chose the specific API you used in your project.
- Your web app should be designed using brand colours from the Co.Lab site. Please reference our website and see how we structure information and how buttons and links are designed.
- Your web app must be mobile-responsive.
- Lastly, you must also deploy and host your web app using any service of your choice. (e.g. Netlify, Vercel, etc.)
- Solution URL:
- Live Site URL:
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first workflow
- Vanilla JavaScript
- React - JS library
- React Router
- This project was done as Co.Lab Software Development Assessment (Co.Lab is a remote team building Bootcamp for web developers. It's a Chingu alternative). The suggestion was to spend no more than 4-5 hours completing this, but it took me under 72 hours. Could probably have done it in 2 days, if I sacrificed my Gym time.
- This project was my third attempt using React Router, and my most complete project to date. It's a full fledged mini website (WebDeveloper port-folio), and it's fully responsive. That means, ok to view from any type of device (desktop, phone, tablet etc).
Next.js, freelance, open source contributions, collaborative work.
MDN Web Docs
Google Bard
- Website - Trae Zeeofor
- Twitter - @trae_z
Adora Nwodo thanks for all you do. Philip Adewole Was very helpful with conceptualization. Gracias!