This is a data research how blockchain development has changed over the years, based on the most popular programmers' forum, data dumps.
If you want to use this notebook for your own research you need to
- Know Python and UNIX shell basics
- Have Python 3.11 installed
- Have Poetry installed
Check out files with git-lfs
git clone ...
cd blockchain-stackoverflow
git lfs install
git lfs pull
Create Python environment:
poetry shell
poetry install
After you have Python environment and large files set up, you can open research.ipynb in your notebook editor (Visual Studio Code) and point the Python interpreter to the environment created with Poetry.
Alternatively you can open the notebook using stock Jupyter and the web browser
jupyter notebook research.ipynb
We supply ./blockchain-questions.parquet with the Github repository. You might want to update this dataset as soon as StackOverflow starts to re-publish their data dumps.
To re-create the dataset you need ~200 GB free disk space. We recommend you work on a remote server using Visual Studio Code remote extensions.
We need
- Posts dataset
- Tags dataset
First we need to create tag name -> primary key mappings we can use to navigate the StackOverflow posts dump.
Create tags CSV file we can import to Pandas:
wget -O
7z x
./converter --source-path Tags.xml --result-format csv --store-to-dir csv
Then we create tags.parquet
using our script:
python blockchain_stackoverflow/
This will create tags.parquet
and also output post counts for our tags:
ethereum with 6681 posts
blockchain with 6637 posts
solidity with 6534 posts
svelte with 4932 posts
hyperledger with 3938 posts
smartcontracts with 2989 posts...
We now need to get all StackOverflow questions to a CSV file.
Download using Bittorrent, and this way you do not die to the old age waiting for the download to finish.
cd download
npm install
node_modules/.bin/webtorrent --select stackexchange_archive.torrent
# 658 = index for Posts.7z
node_modules/.bin/webtorrent --select 658 stackexchange_archive.torrent
wget -O download/stackexchange/
And then after two hours:
7z x download/stackexchange/
./converter --source-path Posts.xml --result-format csv --store-to-dir csv
rm Posts.xml # Save 95 GB space
ipython create-reduced-dataset.ipynb # Or run in Visual Studio Code
Now we have created blockchain-posts.parquet.
As the full posts dataset is too large to read in RAM, we will use a chunked reader to create a smaller dataset of 25k blockchain questions weighting around 25 MB.
ipython create-reduced-dataset.ipynb # Or use Visual Studio Code
Because StackOverflow is in decline we need to separate this StackOverflow's decline from the possible blockchains decline.
For this purpose, we create a time-series that contains monthly binned question counts of all StackOverflow posts.
We do this with our notebook, which is also going to display a graph of the question counts:
ipython create-baseline.ipynb # Or use Visual Studio Code
First let's convert the notebook to a static HTML:
jupyter nbconvert --to=html --no-input --embed-images --output-dir html-export research.ipynb
Then you can open html-export/research.html
in your web browser and copy-paste content to the Ghost blog post editor.