A collection of extensions for Exposed. Includes:
- Logical tenant isolation, soft deletes and (and more) via Exposed's default filters.
- Declarative mapping of objects to and from the database. This is similar to Exposed's DAO DSL. The library simply provides a slightly more flexible alternative. You define how entities and their associations should be mapped and those rules can be applied to any query you execute.
- Postgres array & jsonb column support.
Using logical tenant isolation as an example:
/** 1. Declare your record. */
data class Book(
var title: String? = null,
var tenantId: Long? = null,
override var id: Long? = null,
override var createdAt: Instant? = null,
override var updatedAt: Instant? = null
) : TenanatScopedRecord<Long, Long>
/** 2. Declare how it is stored */
val books = object : TenantScopedLongIdTable<Long, Book>() {
val title = varchar("name", 50).nullable()
override val tenantId: Column<Long> = long("author_id")
/** defines how to map your record from a select statement */
override fun initializeRecord(row: ResultRow) = Book(title = row[title])
/** defines how to map your record to an insert/update statement */
override fun appendStatementValues(stmt: UpdateBuilder<Int>, book: Book) {
book.title?.let { stmt[title] = it }
// 3. Connect & query :
transaction { SchemaUtils.create(books) }
transaction {
books.insert(Book("A Big Bang in a Little Room"))
val zeeyaMeralisBooks = books.selectAll().map(books::toRecord)
books.insert(Book("Project Hail Mary: A Novel"))
val andyWeirsBooks = books.selectAll().map(books::toRecord)
To build locally:
.scripts/setup.sh && gradle clean test