Building with Tonic? Check out these examples.
Just commands
just --list
Available recipes:
build # Build release
build-contract-builder # Build docker container for building the contract
build-debug # Build with debug logging enabled
build-features *FEATURES # Build contract with specific features
build-minified # Boneless version of official example
build-reproducible # Build contract in docker container
clean # Remove res and target
default # show help
deploy-file FILE
deposit # Deposit test tokens into the DEX
init-dex # Initialize the DEX and create the default test market
lint # Run clippy
measure-storage-usage # Measure sizes for hard-coded storage constants
mint # Mint test tokens
reset-testnet-contract # Delete and recreate the testnet contract account
test *TESTS # Test DEX
test-no-emit *TESTS # Test and show logs with events disabled
test-no-sim *TESTS # Test DEX, skip workspace tests
test-with-logs *TESTS # Test and show all logs
view-docs # Build docs and open in the default browser
just test
just build-reproducible
This builds and minifies the contract in a Docker container. For more
fine-grained control over build output, check out the features in
- Fill out the following environment variables to use Just commands. If you don't have an account to deploy to, you can create one from an existing account with
near create-account --master-account $your_account_id orderbook.$your_account_id
# Account to deploy the contract to
# A user to test with
Optional config (defaults shown)
# Default dev tokens
export DEV_QUOTE_TOKEN_ID=usdc.faucet.orderbook.testnet
export DEV_BASE_TOKEN_ID=wbtc.faucet.orderbook.testnet
# Default mint/deposit amounts
# 10000 USDC (6 decimals)
export DEV_QUOTE_TOKEN_MINT_AMOUNT=10000000000
# 10 WBTC (8 decimals)
export DEV_BASE_TOKEN_MINT_AMOUNT=1000000000
# Default lot sizes for market (created in init-dex)
# 0.01 USDC
# 0.001 WBTC
Build, deploy, and create a default market
just build-reproducible deploy-file res/tonic-dex.wasm init-dex
Deposit exchange balances for the test account
just mint deposit
Place an order
export MARKET_ID=<your market ID from above>
tonic place-order $MARKET_ID --buy --price 1.23 --quantity 1
Test tokens are deployed to the following accounts
usdc.faucet.orderbook.testnet.testnet (6 decimals) (used in just commands by default)
wbtc.faucet.orderbook.testnet.testnet (8 decimals) (used in just commands by default)
Build and deploy your own
export contract_id=contract.example.testnet
just build-test-token
near deploy --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/test_token.wasm --accountId $contract_id
The test token's metadata is set at initialization, eg
export contract_id=usdc.example.testnet
near call $contract_id new \
'{"decimals": 6, "name": "USDC Coin (Tonic)", "symbol": "USDC", "icon": "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg width=\'32\' height=\'32\' viewBox=\'0 0 32 32\' xmlns=\'\'%3E%3Cg fill=\'none\'%3E%3Ccircle cx=\'16\' cy=\'16\' r=\'16\' fill=\'%232775C9\'/%3E%3Cpath d=\'M15.75 27.5C9.26 27.5 4 22.24 4 15.75S9.26 4 15.75 4 27.5 9.26 27.5 15.75A11.75 11.75 0 0115.75 27.5zm-.7-16.11a2.58 2.58 0 00-2.45 2.47c0 1.21.74 2 2.31 2.33l1.1.26c1.07.25 1.51.61 1.51 1.22s-.77 1.21-1.77 1.21a1.9 1.9 0 01-1.8-.91.68.68 0 00-.61-.39h-.59a.35.35 0 00-.28.41 2.73 2.73 0 002.61 2.08v.84a.705.705 0 001.41 0v-.85a2.62 2.62 0 002.59-2.58c0-1.27-.73-2-2.46-2.37l-1-.22c-1-.25-1.47-.58-1.47-1.14 0-.56.6-1.18 1.6-1.18a1.64 1.64 0 0 00.72.46h.47a.42.42 0 00.31-.5 2.65 2.65 0 00-2.38-2v-.69a.705.705 0 00-1.41 0v.74zm-8.11 4.36a8.79 8.79 0 006 8.33h.14a.45.45 0 00.45-.45v-.21a.94.94 0 00-.58-.87 7.36 7.36 0 010- 0 00.58-.86v-.23a.42.42 0 00-.56-.4 8.79 8.79 0 00-6.03 8.34zm17.62 0a8.79 8.79 0 00-6-8.32h-.15a.47.47 0 00-.47.47v.15a1 1 0 00.61.9 7.36 7.36 0 010 13.64 1 1 0 00-.6.89v.17a.47.47 0 00.62.44 8.79 8.79 0 005.99-8.34z\' fill=\'%23FFF\'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E"}' \
--accountId $contract_id
There's no need to do storage deposit with the test token
export contract_id=usdc.example.testnet
export receiver_id=other.example.testnet
near call $contract_id ft_mint '{"receiver_id": "'receiver_id'", "amount": "1000000000"} --accountId $receiver_id
Please see
- builder image isn't pinned
- scripts don't know about owner account