britney_tweets is a Flask and Mongodb app that allows searching the text of tweets from the Britney tweets dataset
Pull this repository down locally
Data file - /data/britney_twitter_data.tsv
Replace the 5-line britney_twitter_data.tsv file with a larger file with the same format, if desired. Note the data file must be in the data folder and named, britney_twitter_data.tsv.
To run without modification a Docker installation is required.
If you want to run it locally a MongoDB is required. To run locally, load a MongoDB named, britney_db, with a collection named, tweets. Edit the MongoDBClient in the file
client = MongoClient(
run the command docker-compose up
Wait a while for containers to build and Mongo DB to load data.
Open a browser to http://localhost:5000/
Enter the search criteria and select the search button.
View results!
│ - main Python/Flask application
│ docker-compose.yml - Docker compose file
│ Dockerfile - Sets up Python application in Docker
│ - this file
│ requirements.txt - required Python modules
├─── /data/ - data to load into MongoDB
├────── britney_twitter_data.tsv - tab-separated file of tweet data
├─── /data_import/ - MongoDB docker data load and initialization scripts
├────── create-index.js - called by, creates a MongoDB test index on the text field.
│────── - shell script that runs when the MongoDB docker container is initialized. Loads the .tsv file and creates an index.
├─── /templates/ - Flask HTML templates
├────── index.html - enter search value form
├────── result.html - display results
Prettify HTML
Test suite
Convert places id to readable locations
Fix plot labels
Make DB more modular, less hardcoded paths