Download the add-on zip file:
Latest release -
Install in Kodi:
Kodi → Settings → Add-ons → Install from zip file...
How to install add-ons from zip files
Note: You can also install this add-on from repository.tommistolercz. With this method, the add-on will auto-update when there is a new version available.
- English, Russian, Czech
- Items per page
- Force custom view mode for videos
- Search without age restrictions
- Search incl. own videos
- Search by video duration (any, longer/shorter than)
- Sort searched videos (by relevance, date, duration)
- Keep history of add-on requests (hidden)
- Keep history of played videos
- Prefer HLS (adaptive bitrate)
- VK user login (email/phone)
- VK user password
- Authorize add-on
- List add-on menu
- Skip to page nr.
- Search videos
- Search videos by similar title
- List search history
- Delete search from history
- Clear search history
- List my videos
- List my liked videos
- List album videos
- List community videos
- List played videos
- Clear played videos
- List watchlist
- Add video to watchlist
- Remove video from watchlist
- Clear watchlist
- Play video
- Like video
- Unlike video
- Set albums for video
- Go to (owning) community
Video albums:
- List my video albums
- Rename album
- Reorder album up/down
- Delete album
- Create new album
- List my communities
- List my liked communities
- Like community
- Unlike community
- Follow community
- Unfollow community
CHANGELOG (incl. backlog with future features & ideas)
- TomMistolerCZ
- Владимир Малявин (RU translation)