I am working on using an Arduino to translate cycling speed into Flightgear throttle positino. I have no idea if this method will work on Winders [sic.] but I think others might want to know. Should I post my Arduino sketch in this github site? or should I create a new one? Frankly, I am totally clueless: I only know that I shamelessly copy pubicly available code and expect the same would go for the code I author. Publiclly available code precludes any intellectual property rights.
I used Openoffice to make a some slides -- illustrated comments on code for gatttoool -- to illustrate somethings that might be helpful.
I also uploaded a script, "thirdcollectDATA", that I use start the program (after FlightGear is running, after I start pedalling the bike on the trainer, etc.) I disabled one of four processors on my computer after I started having problems. These problems were from the battery voltage being too low; Not over using a processor. I never re-enable the processor.
I concede that my comments lack flow and are likely omitting something that was obvious to me. I wish there has a written standard I could aim to conform to.
Of note, I was hit by van while riding my bike and have a brain injury (mild diffuse axonal injury). That is why I recommend making a donation to BIAMd. I would like to inspire hope in other brain injury survivors.
I think use of the exponential function to convert pedal velocity into throttle axis position is clever. Imagine filling a bucket with a hole in the bottom. The more water in the bucket the quicker it leaves the bucket. Eventually the flow into the bucket and out of the bucket equalize. Now imagine your effort, on a bicycle trainer, to be the water entering the bucket. Mathematically, a diffential equation with an exponential equation models this behavior.
I use the software I wrote with FlightGear most days of the week. My corrosive sweat takes its toll on my bicycle.