Zend Server Deployment Helper (DepH) is a Zend Framework based set of classes which supports in creating reliable hook scripts of Zend Server Deployment feature.
More information about Zend Server Deployment can be found on zend.com or on YouTube.
Full documentation is avaliable here.
Deployment allows to customize the process by hook script which are implemented in PHP. The following is a list of examples for operations that may be defined in each hook script:
- Pre-stage - Validate and applying user customized parameter values, verify the existence of generic prerequisites, etc.
- Post-stage - Create a new database schema, modify a file or directory permissions on staged source files, etc.
- Pre-activate - Upgrade an existing database schema, etc.
- Post-activate - Remove a temporary banner ("Down for Maintenance"), reset a cache, etc.
- Pre-rollback - Return configuration files or the database to their previous version, etc.
- Post-rollback - Take the site out of maintenance mode, return the load balancer settings, etc.
- Pre-deactivate - Put up a banner ("Down for Maintenance") for the previous version, etc.
- Post-deactivate - Modify external configuration files, etc.
- Pre-unstage - Back up specific applications files such as audit logs and other data files, etc.
- Post-unstage - Clean up external files referencing the application (which are no longer needed), etc.
When implementing deployment packages one quickly notice that some basic functionality like logging or DB import would be helpful.
The ZPK package of the Zend Server Deployment Helper can be found in the release section. The ZPK file can be deployed as a library prior to the app deployment on a Zend Server system.
Logging is implemented using the PSR-3 standard.
A Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
instance is automatically injected to all classes implementing Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface
You can change the implementation by override the configuration for service Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
If service Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
is not configured a Psr\Log\NullLogger
is used by default instead.
To enable file level logging you can use any component which provides psr/log-implementation
We recommend to use monolog for logging.
This package provides factories for both of them. ZendServer\DepH\Log\Factory\MonologFactory
and ZendServer\DepH\Log\Factory\ZendFactory
To enable logging just add ZendServer\DepH\Log\Factory\MonologFactory
as factory for \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
'dependencies' => [
\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class => \ZendServer\DepH\Log\Factory\MonologFactory::class,
For convenience log messages can be outputted additionally to the Zend
Server UI in case of a deployment error. Just add ZendServer\DepH\Log\Delegator\EnableZSGuiDelegatorFactory
as delegator to Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
. e.g.
'dependencies' => [
'delegators' => [
\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class => [
The service Zend\DepH\Deployment\Deployment
provides all information during deployment. You can use it by calling $container->get('Deployment')
To execute shell commands we recommend to use symfony/process.
So far only a template mechanism is implemented. Takes a template
file, optionally substitues values and write the file to a given path.
You can use it by calling $container->get('Template')
Allows to start a debug session if Zend Debugger is enabled (default
in Zend Server)
You can use it by calling $container->get('ZendDebugger')
The recommended way to install this package, is through composer.
composer require zend-pattern/ZendServerDeploymentHelper
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
In case you want to use the service container
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
/** @var \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container */
$container = include 'config/container.php';
should look like this.
use Zend\ServiceManager\Config;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager;
use Zend\ConfigAggregator\ConfigAggregator;
$aggregator = new ConfigAggregator(
$config = new ArrayObject($aggregator->getMergedConfig());
// Build container
$container = new ServiceManager();
$container->setService('config', $config);
(new Config($config['dependencies']))->configureServiceManager($container);
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$pipeline = new \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\Pipeline();
$pipeline->pipe(function($payload, \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\DelegateInterface $delegate) {
// do things, e.g. clear cache
return $delegate->process($payload);
$pipeline->pipe(function($payload, \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\DelegateInterface $delegate) {
// return result (status is 0 by default which indicates success in command line context)
return new \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\Result();
/** @var \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\ResultInterface $result */
$result = $pipeline->process($payload);
// optionally you can use \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\Payload as payload
In case you want to be able to resolve the middleware automatically from the container
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
/** @var \Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container */
$container = include 'config/container.php';
$resolver = new \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\MiddlewareContainerResolver($container);
$pipeline = new \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\Pipeline($resolver);
$pipeline->pipe(function($payload, \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\DelegateInterface $delegate) {
// do things, e.g. clear cache
return $delegate->process($payload);
$pipeline->pipe(function($payload, \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\DelegateInterface $delegate) {
// return result (status is 0 by default which indicates success in command line context)
return new \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\Result();
/** @var \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\ResultInterface $result */
$result = $pipeline->process($payload);
// optionally you can use \ZendServer\DepH\Pipeline\Payload as payload
// init ...
/* @var $log \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface */
$log = $container->get('Log');
$log->info('My message');
// init ...
/* @var $deployment \ZendServer\DepH\Deployment\Deployment */
$deployment = $container->get('Deployment');
echo $deployment->getCurrentAction();
echo $deployment->getCurrentActionScript();
if ($deployment->isPreStageAction()) {};
// ...
if ($deployment->isUpdate()) {};
$deployment->terminate('Because we have a good reason...');
// init ...
/* @var $deployment \ZendServer\DepH\Deployment\Deployment */
$deployment = $container->get('Deployment');
echo $deployment->getApplicationBaseDir();
echo $deployment->getCurrentAppVersion();
echo $deployment->getPhpVersion();
echo $deployment->getPreviousAppVersion();
echo $deployment->getPreviousApplicationBaseDir();
echo $deployment->getRunOnceNode();
echo $deployment->getWebserverGid();
echo $deployment->getWebserverType();
echo $deployment->getWebserverUid();
echo $deployment->getWebserverVersion();
echo $deployment->getBaseUrl();
// User Params
echo $deployment->getParam('MyParam');
// or
echo $deployment->getParam('ZS_MyParam'); // All env vars are prefixed with 'ZS_'
// init ...
/* @var $deployment \ZendServer\DepH\Deployment\Deployment */
$deployment = $container->get('Deployment');
echo $deployment->getVirtualHostFile();
if ($deployment->isDefaultSite()) {};
echo $deployment->getDeploymentTempDir();
echo $deployment->getUrlPath();
See https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/process.html
// init ...
/* @var $template \ZendServer\DepH\File\Template */
$template = $container->get('Template');
$content = $template->write('tpl/test.txt', '/tmp/test.txt', array('abc' => 123, 'xyz' => 456));
// init ...
/* @var $debugger \ZendServer\DepH\Debugger\ZendDebugger */
$debugger = $container->get('ZendDebugger');
After a debug session has been started, the script terminates and is restarted in debug mode.