Electron desktop app for Eclipse Che clients. Generate native platform execuatables that will launch Electron desktop applications that will connect to Eclipse Che or Codenvy servers.
- Linux x64
- Linux x32
- Windows x64
- Windows x32
- OSX: You need to currently build the client natively (see build instructions below).
eclipse-che . <che-server-url>
open eclipse-che.app --args . http://localhost:8080
./eclipse-che . <che-server-url>
# Install dependencies
npm install electron-packager -g
git clone http://github.com/tylerjewell/che-electron
npm run pack:all
Optionally, you can build the executable just for your platform.
npm run pack:win64
npm run pack:win32
npm run pack:linux64
npm run pack:linux32
## If building on windows, this command will fail if console is not run as administrator
npm run pack:osx