A decentralised voting system using blockchain smart contracts. Part of the Project Based Learning module of the Advanced Internet Computing course at the TUHH, SoSe, 2023.
Development Mode
While in development mode use the following commands:
cd server
npm start
cd ../ui
ng s --port 80 (sudo if required)
Production Mode
For docker (production mode) use the following command in the root folder:
docker-compose up
To view the frontend UI, open http://localhost in web browser
The admin credentials are:
username: 12345 password: admin
We have uploaded the docker images to the Google Container Repository (gcr) which are made public and the commands to pull them are as follows:
docker pull gcr.io/tuhh-aic/db
docker pull gcr.io/tuhh-aic/frontend
docker pull gcr.io/tuhh-aic/backend
To run those images on the local repository the commands will be:
docker run -d gcr.io/tuhh-aic/db
docker run -d gcr.io/tuhh-aic/frontend
docker run -d gcr.io/tuhh-aic/backend