A collection of sites that only use system fonts on their website. Feel free to fork this and add a site.
- https://zeit.co/
- https://unsplash.com/
- https://github.com/
- https://mobile.twitter.com/
- https://bluebottlecoffee.com/
- https://jsfiddle.net
- https://amazon.com/
- https://libraries.io/
- https://dependencyci.com/
- https://craigslist.org
- https://vimgifs.com/
- http://cssstats.com
- http://clrs.cc
- http://www.basscss.com/
- http://tachyons.io
- https://martinwolf.org
- https://colepeters.com/
- http://frankchimero.com
- http://geomicons.com
- http://jxnblk.com
- http://jxnblk.com/hello-color/
- http://jxnblk.com/rebass/
- http://mrsjxn.com
- http://microbeats.cc
- http://mrmrs.cc
- http://johnotander.com
- http://randoma11y.com
- https://tableflip.io
- https://spec.fm
- http://www.brianlovin.com
- https://medium.com
- https://thisishugo.com
- https://marcelosomers.com/
- http://gasolinasv.com
- http://csspurge.com
- http://ryanmack.me
- http://shaneboland.com
- https://www.thumbtack.com/
- http://solid.systems
- https://phuu.net/
- http://www.usequarry.com
- http://web.audaciousfox.net
- http://joshuajenkins.com
- http://nickfletchr.com
- https://tomcavill.com
- http://www.johjakob.de
- http://www.lucassmith.me
- https://jonsuh.com/hamburgers/
- https://haroen.me
- https://gabri.me
- http://jorgeatgu.com
- https://storebook.vn
- https://steele.pro/
- http://zacanger.com
- http://kylefiedler.com/
- https://obsidian.charlespeters.net/
- http://ricardoerl.com/
- https://wordpress.com (when logged in)