This monorepo contains the tina-graphql-gateway and tina-graphql-gateway-cli packages, which enable Tina-powered websites to use Tina's hosted Content API.
The apps/
folder contains a demo Next.js application (located in apps/demo
) that can be used to test changes to the packages in this monorepo.
The packages/
folder contains the NPM packages that are published from this monorepo.
Environment: browser
Provides React hooks for fetching and building the Tina form. It also exposes a CLI for things like generating Typescript types for your content models.
Environment: node
Provides buildSchema
function which takes a DataSource
instance and provides a schema based on the data it finds.
See the contributor docs for guidance on how to install and run this project.
To use this with your local Tina repo look in the demo/next.config.js
file, ensure the paths resolve to your local Tina install and you've built all the necessary Tina packages.
Or take a stab at one of our Tina Cloud starters who are using this package:
- (simple starter to demo how to work with our GraphQL Client)
- (based on default Next.js blog starter)
All _.js, _.ts, and *.tsx files require a license header to be present.
To add the license to a file, run the following command at the project root:
yarn license:add
This will search through the project for any files that requires a header and add it if it isn't already present.
To remove all license headers: at the project root run:
yarn license:delete
This will search the project for files that contain a license header and subsequently removes the header from them.
When the license needs to be changed, first run the following command at the root of the project:
yarn license:delete
Then you may edit the scripts/license.txt file. Once complete, run the following command at the root of the project to add the new license to the required files:
yarn license:add