Hotel Hopper is a one-semester long project in SE 165, Software Engineering Process Management, at San JosΓ© State University in Spring 2019.
You can check out the demo from this link:
Find a place to stay during your travel? Hotel Hopper got you. Hotel Hopper makes it so easy to find your desired place to stay. Simply choose how many people and the date to start browsing the awesome hotels with ratings we provide.
Hotel Hopper
βββ Server-side (back-end)
β controllers
β models
β app.js
β package.json
β .....
βββ Client-side (front-end)
β src
β public
β package.json
β .....
Like our project? You can clone this repo and play around with it in your local machine. Please follow the steps below:
git clone
This is to enable t app for certain pages.
npm install
To run the server, server-side (back-end):
node app.js
To run the client-side (front-end):
npm start
Go to your localhost
- Tim Roesner
- Jonathan Van
- Abhishek Hotti
- Hung Tang
- Dennis Lee
- Ziyun He
- Bruce Lin
- Riley Chetwood
- Charles Leon
- Renji Ye
Hotel Search
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Hotel Info
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User Upcoming Trips