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Optional SSL Cert creation

timfrazier1 edited this page Feb 18, 2020 · 3 revisions

If you prefer to have a valid certificate, you can SSH to Phantom box to set up certificate during setup process

  1. Run the following as root:
yum install -y
yum install -y certbot python2-certbot-nginx python2-certbot-dns-google
certbot --nginx certonly
#Feed in your domain name and then cd to the new directory with the certs once Created
cp /opt/phantom/etc/ssl/certs/httpd_cert.crt /opt/phantom/etc/ssl/certs/httpd_cert.crt.bak
cp fullchain.pem /opt/phantom/etc/ssl/certs/httpd_cert.crt
cp /opt/phantom/etc/ssl/private/httpd_cert.key /opt/phantom/etc/ssl/private/httpd_cert.key.bak
cp privkey.pem /opt/phantom/etc/ssl/private/httpd_cert.key
service nginx reload

FYI: to renew certificate at a later date, simply run:

certbot renew
cp <path_to_new_cert>/fullchain.pem /opt/phantom/etc/ssl/certs/httpd_cert.crt
cp <path_to_new_cert>/privkey.pem /opt/phantom/etc/ssl/private/httpd_cert.key
service nginx reload