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=== Customizer Social Icons ===
Contributors: timph
Donate link:
Tags: customizer, social media icons, social icons, social media, social, customize, customize social
Requires at least: 4.3
Tested up to: 4.9.8
Stable tag: 0.4
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Easily change and modify dozens of Social Media networks the native way - in the WordPress Customizer!

== Description ==

Customizer Social Icons aims to bring one of the most implemented features across websites into your WordPress Customizer.  It helps to bridge the gap of not having a native Social Media Icon tool available in WordPress directly, and gives you the features you need without the overhead of a clunky non-native interface.

You can control the style of icon, colors, size, and spacing of your icons to fit your website's needs hassle free inside of the WordPress Customizer.  Any of your social media network urls found in your menus will automatically be transformed into the corresponding social media icons for you.

Available Social Media Icons:

* Facebook
* Twitter
* LinkedIn
* Google+
* Bitbucket
* Snapchat
* Gratipay
* Reddit
* Yelp
* Vimeo
* Codepen
* Instagram
* Trello
* YouTube
* Vine
* Dribbble
* JSFiddle
* Tumblr
* SlideShare
* VK
* Dropbox
* Stack Overflow
* Steam
* Email
* Weibo
* Stack Exchange
* Xing
* Flickr
* Pinterest
* SoundCloud
* RenRen
* Foursquare
* Stack Exchange
* Github

== Installation ==

You can use the built in installer and upgrader, or you can install the plugin

= From your WordPress dashboard =

1. Visit 'Plugins > Add New'
2. Search for 'Customizer Social Icons'
3. Activate Customizer Social Icons from your Plugins page.

= From =

1. Download Customizer Social Icons.
2. Upload the .zip file in the 'Plugins > Add New' page, or copy the unzipped directory to your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc...)
3. Activate Customizer Social Icons from your Plugins page.

= Once Activated =

You're ready to go!  Visit the WordPress Customizer, and start adding Social Media Icons to any of your menu locations!

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Q: I don't get it.  What do I do? =

**A**: Don't worry!  Customizing a site for a new and even experienced user can get complicated and be frustrating.  This plugin utilizes the native WordPress menus system to transform your social media links into social media icons.  To get there follow these steps:

1. Click on "Customize" to get to the WordPress Customizer.
2. Click on the tab that says "Menus".
3. Next, click on "Menu Locations," and you will see a new panel slide in that will display all of your theme's available menu locations.  The menu locations are locations your theme has designated as being locations you can stick a menu inside.  These will be the locations you can add Social Media Icons to with this plugin.
4. Click on "Edit Menu" if you have a menu assigned to a location, or select a menu from the dropdown to add icons to that.
5. Press "Add Items," and a panel will slide out with some options of things you can add.
6. Select the tab that says "Social Media Icons."
7. Choose the social media icon that you want to add to your menu.
8. The item is added to your menu, and will have the URL filled out with the social network's website as a placeholder to add your username into.
9. Now you that you've added some social icons to your menu, you can modify the appearance of the icons in the "Social Icons" section in the customizer!

= Q: Can I add/remove social media icons for social network x, y, z? =

**A**: Yes! This plugin has a configuration filter, so you can just inspect the 'networks' array for how to prepare the data and filter to suit your needs!

= Q: How can I add this to my own theme and set defaults? =

**A**: We recommend using the built in configuration filter for this plugin to make any modifications to how you want your theme to handle social media icons.  You are able to override the default size, display of text with the icon, and set the icon style to one of the five built in types.

== Screenshots ==

1. **Add Social Media Icon** - Customizer Social Icons adds a new menu item type to the Customizer's "Menus".  Each item displays it's icon for a quicker reference of the social media icons.
2. **Easily Find Networks** - The social media networks that are added are all built to be searchable within the Customizer's "Add Items" > "Search menu items..." quick search.
3. **Social Icons Section** - The "Social Icons" section will be added to your customizer, which contains some settings you can modify to adjust the appearance of your social icons on your website.
4. **Social Icon Appearance Controls** - You can manage how your social media icons appear in your website with the customizer controls.
5. **Social Icon Styles** - Various Icon Styles are available to make the icons fit better with your overall design.
6. **Social Icon Sizes** - You can change the size of your social icons right in the customizer to give a different look to your chosen icons.
7. **Social Icon Colors** - Colors can be changed for your social icons in the WordPress customizer controls as well.

== Changelog ==

= 0.4 =
* Bug fix: Fixed typo in icon type icon for weibo causing it not to display.

= 0.3 =
* New Feature: Added color selections for icons in customizer.
* Update: Changed control styles to look more modern.
* Update: Added and checked compatibility for WordPress 4.7.
* Update: Classes now use autoloader, expanded configs.

= 0.2 =
* Cleaning up extraneous filters.  All filters should be handled by the single config filter now.
* Added customizer controls for icon's style, size, spacing, and whether or not to hide text.

= 0.1 =
* Initial commit.


Social Media Icons for the WordPress Customizer







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