Simple ROOT script to convert ultrasonic A-C-S data into a ROOT file. Further analysis can then be performed.
install Virtualbox
create a virtual machine running Microsoft Windows
add your user to the vboxuser group:
$ sudo adduser $USER vboxusers
log out and log in again to refresh
in Windows: install OmniPC and the KeyTool from the USB Stick provided with the device
connect the USB Key Dongle to your computer, but do not mount it
in Virtualbox: click Device - USB - select the key
run the KeyTool
run OmniPC, right click on the A-C-S image to export
the exported .txt file is saved in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Olympus NDT\OmniPC\Export
copy/move the files to your ultrasonic2root directory
To run, source your ROOT environment with
$ source /your/root/path/bin/
and then run
$ root -l
or compile with
$ g++ -I `root-config --incdir` -o ultrasonic.exe `root-config --libs` -std=c++0x -pedantic -Wextra
and then run
$ ./ultrasonic.exe
The input file to be used can be passed as an argument:
$ ./ultrasonic.exe myfile.txt
The filename will be used for output, in this case myfile.root