Third party Netvisor API client.
Install from npm:
npm install @rantalainen/netvisor-api-client
const { NetvisorApiClient } = require('@rantalainen/netvisor-api-client');
import { NetvisorApiClient } from '@rantalainen/netvisor-api-client';
Name for integration that is visible in Netvisor UI (self defined)customerId
consult Netvisor (Header: X-Netvisor-Authentication-CustomerId)customerKey
consult NetvisorpartnerId
consult Netvisor (Header: X-Netvisor-Authentication-PartnerId)partnerKey
consult NetvisororganizationId
Oganization id for company
Since v1.4.0 allows using cacheable-lookup with either internal or external dns cache. Make sure you are using cacheable-lookup@5 which is compatible with got@11 that is used.
const nvApiClient = new NetvisorApiClient({
integrationName: '',
customerId: '',
customerKey: '',
partnerId: '',
partnerKey: '',
organizationId: '1234567-8'
// optional - set to true if you want to use internal cache within Doks API Client
dnsCache: dnsCache
// Each resource type has saveByXmlData() and saveByXmlFilePath() posts (below examples with products):
const data = = `<root>
<name>Code Complete 2</name>
<unitprice type="net">42,5</unitprice>
await nvApiClient.product.saveByXmlData(data);
const filepath = 'my\filepath\myfile.xml';
await nvApiClient.product.saveByXmlFilePath(filepath);
// Get vouchers by date
const vouchers = await nvApiClient.accounting.getVouchers('2021-01-01', '2021-01-31');
// Get products by product code
const products = await nvApiClient.product.getProducts('productCode');
// Save budget by json dataset
const data = {
AccountingBudget: {
Ratio: { '@': {type: 'account'}, '#': 4010 },
Sum: -1000,
Year: 2021,
Month: 02,
Version: 'Budjettiversio 1',
VatClass: 0,
Combinations: {
Combination: [
CombinationSum: -500,
Dimension: {
DimensionName: 'Projects',
DimensionItem: 'Project X'
CombinationSum: -500,
Dimension: {
DimensionName: 'Projects',
DimensionItem: 'Project Y'
await nvApiClient.budget.saveBudgetByDataSet(data);
// Save budget from xml
await nvApiClient.budget.saveBudgetByXmlFilePath(filePath);
// Get raw xml data (example with sales invoice but works with any get resource)
await nvApiClient.sales.getXmlData('getsalesinvoice.nv', { netvisorkey: '123', pdfimage: 'nopdf', showcommentlines: '1' })
- 0.0.1 Under development
- 0.0.3 Added saveInvoiceByDataSet in salesinvoice
- 0.0.4 Added purchaseinvoice and inventory in product
- 0.0.7 Added getSales in salesinvoice
- 0.0.8 Improvements to salesinvoice and products
- 0.0.11 Fix undefined error (getSales) if zero results are found
- 0.0.12-0.0.18 Minor fixes
- 0.0.19 Added workday
- 0.1.0 Employee method with post employee and get getemployeesalaryparameters
- 0.1.1 Fix error in getSales if invoicelines are empty
- 0.1.2 Reorganize employee dataset to meet Netvisor xml format requirements
- 0.2.0 Added getProductByNetvisorKey
- 0.3.0 Added getExtendedProducts
- 0.4.0 Added getCustomerByNetvisorKey
- 0.5.0 Updated purchaseinvoice types
- 0.6.0 Added getXmlData
- 0.6.1 Added ability to change method when using saveByXmlData
- 0.6.2 Hotfix to parameter default value
- 0.6.3 Added delivery data to get sales
- 0.6.5 Added order - invoice link to get sales
- 0.6.6 Split salesinvoices fetch into smaller pieces to allow fetching large amount of invoices
- 0.6.7 Add more details to getSales
- 0.7.0 Add tripexpense method
- 0.8.0 Add savePayrollPeriodRecordByDataSet in workday method
- 0.9.0 Add vendors method
- 0.10.0 Allow getting multiple products with getProductWithNetvisorkey
- 0.11.0 Implemented timeout option
- 0.12.0 Add voucher by dataset
- 0.12.1 Fixed getting ProductPriceInformation.DefaultNetPrice for function getExtendedProducts() to reflect changes Netvisor made to the response
- 0.13.1 Add salespayment by dataset / Fix logging
- 0.14.0 Add dns caching possibility with cacheableLookup, extend purchase method, minor fixes in getSales, group interfaces to separate folder