Tiny JS framework to manage DOM components
The main goal is to make easier to implement common tasks/features:
- Component declaration and instanciation
- Component init and destroy (Barba.js or load more…)
- Access to
- Use of
- Events handling with the right context (standard or custom)
Main features :
- Components
+ declarationdata-component="foo"
- Component lifecycle :
- Easy references:
- Provide simple API to manage
// truethis.data.get('prop')
// valuethis.data.set('prop', 'another value')
// another value
- Events binding/unbinding with
onClick() {}
ouonCustomEvent() {}
<main class="app"></main>
import {
} from 'kapla';
import MyComponent from 'kapla-register/MyComponent';
const context = require.context('./kapla', true, /\.js$/);
const app = Application.start(document.querySelector('.app')); // If no element -> document.body
// Auto loading
// Everything inside "context folder" and named in PascalCase
// Manual registering
app.register('my-component', MyComponent);
const app = Application.start(document.body, undefined, {
prop: 'value',
Properties will be accessible in all components through this.prop
The second paramater is for "custom schema" (more info)
<div data-component="foo"></div>
<div data-component="sub--bar-baz"></div>
import { Component } from 'kapla';
export default class extends Component {
load() {}
init() {}
destroy() {}
Component filename must be
for autoload. Same element can be used multiple components:data-component="foo bar baz"
<div data-component="foo">
<button type="submit" data-ref="foo.submit">Submit</button>
this.$el // DIV
this.$refs.submit // BUTTON
Same element can be ref for multiple components:
data-ref="foo.submit bar.button"
<div data-component="foo" data-foo-prop="qux"></div>
this.data.has('prop') // true
this.data.get('prop') // 'qux'
this.data.set('prop', 'quux') // 'quux'
Automatic binding/unbinding through lifecycle (init/destroy).
export default class extends Component {
onClick(e) {}
onBlur(e) {}
Automatic binding/unbinding through lifecycle (init/destroy).
export default class extends Component {
onEnter(e) {}
onLeave(e) {}
onMove(e) {}
onOver(e) {}
onOut(e) {}
export default class extends Component {
init() {
this.delegateClick = 'selector'; // CSS selector
this.delegateClick = this.$refs.child; // HTMLElement
this.delegateClick = document.querySelectorAll('selector'); // HTMLCollection (or Array of elements)
this.delegateMove = 'selector';
onClick(e, target) {} // extra "target" parameter
onMove(e, target) {}
Need to be 'registered' (before component registration).
import { myCustomEvent } from './my-custom-events';
app.use('myCustomEvent', myCustomEvent);
Then, automatic binding/unbinding through lifecycle (init/destroy).
export default class extends Component {
onMyCustomEvent(...args) {}
Should have bind
and unbind
methods which receive component
and ee
as parameters.
Can be 'scoped' to component
(default) or global
(see second example).
In this case, you can choose to log the event name when it is emitted…
Also, global custom events are binded only when components are listening to them.
They are unbinded when no more components are listening to them.
import { CustomEvent } from 'kapla';
class MyEvent extends CustomEvent {
constructor(...args) {
bind(component) {
const { element } = component.context;
this.eventByElement.set(element, this.callback(component));
document.addEventListener('click', this.eventByElement.get(element));
unbind(component) {
const { element } = component.context;
document.removeEventListener('click', this.eventByElement.get(element));
callback(component) { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
return function callback(e) {
if (!component.context.element.contains(e.target)) {
export const clickOutside = new MyEvent('clickOutside');
import { CustomEvent } from 'kapla';
class MyEvent extends CustomEvent {
constructor(...args) {
this.scope = 'global';
this.log = false;
bind(component, ee) {
const { element } = component.context;
this.ee = ee;
this.eventByElement.set(element, this.callback(component));
this.ee.on('raf', this.eventByElement.get(element));
this.onTick = this.onTick.bind(this);
this.time = window.performance.now();
this.raf = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.onTick);
unbind(component, ee) {
ee.off('raf', this.eventByElement.get(component.context.element));
onTick(now) {
this.time = now;
this.delta = (now - this.oldTime) / 1000;
this.oldTime = now;
this.ee.emit('raf', this.delta, now);
this.raf = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.onTick);
callback(component) { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
return function callback(delta, now) {
component.onRaf(delta, now);
export const raf = new MyEvent('raf');
Native, mixed or custom events can be 'binded' or 'unbinded' manually.
export default class extends Component {
method() {
You can "subscribe" to another component. It makes communication easier between components:
const subscriber = this.subscribe('other-component')
This returns the "subscriber", then you can "listen" for some custom event…
- Component.js:
subscriber.on('some-event', cb)
- OtherComponent.js:
this.emit('some-event'[, args])
method returns the "subscriber" and then can be chained (this.subscribe('c').on('foo', cb).on('bar', cb)…
Kapla can also be used with NoComponent
aka "component-with-no-DOM-element".
In this case, there is no "lifecycle" so you need to init
those components "manually".
import { NoComponent } from 'kapla';
export default class MyNoComponentThing extends NoComponent {
init() {}
destroy() {}
onCustomEvent() {}
For initilization: app.init('my-no-component-thing', MyNoComponentThing);
As this instance is unique, it is returned by the
method. To "kill" the instance, justremove()
Last but not least, you can use Kapla [No]Components in "mixin" mode!
For that, mixComponent
and mixNoComponent
are available.
import { mixComponent } from 'kapla';
import Fake from 'test/Fake';
export default class Mix extends mixComponent(Fake) {
load() {}
init() {}
destroy() {}
import { mixNoComponent } from 'kapla';
import Fake from 'test/Fake';
export default class MixNo extends mixNoComponent(Fake) {
init() {}
destroy() {}
As you may pass some parameters to your "superclass", they also are registered/initiated manually. Just pass your arguments behind the constructor:
app.register('mix', Mix, 'some', 'params');
app.init('mix-no', MixNo, 'some', 'other', 'params');
You can "mix" multiples classes (not tested). Of course, if you use
, put those files in another folder… ;)