Godot GDNative Plugin Wrapper for RTMidi
STATUS: Unstable and in Development
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Creates GDNative based on the rtmidi library https://www.music.mcgill.ca/~gary/rtmidi/index.html
- used online docs for
- Replaced to SConstruct Line 48 - 57 with
if env['platform'] == "osx":
env['target_path'] += 'osx/'
cpp_library += '.osx'
if env['target'] in ('debug', 'd'):
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-g', '-O2', '-arch', 'x86_64', '-std=c++17', '-D__MACOSX_CORE__'])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-arch', 'x86_64', '-framework', 'CoreMIDI', '-framework', 'CoreAudio', '-framework', 'CoreFoundation'])
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-g', '-O3', '-arch', 'x86_64', '-std=c++17', '-D__MACOSX_CORE__'])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-arch', 'x86_64', '-framework', 'CoreMIDI', '-framework', 'CoreAudio', '-framework', 'CoreFoundation'])